Tuesday 29 July 2014

One of Dylan's quilts

While I was binding one of the quilts on the weekend, I was remaindered of a similar quilt I made that my son Dylan just had to have.  When he was about five years old, I was making this quilt as a give away quilt, but when he came in the room and saw it laying there on the floor (the floor was my design wall at the time) he stopped, eyes bulging in ah and said, "I really like this one mommy.  Can I have this one for me".  It was the first time that he had such a reaction to any of the quilts that I made, that I figured he deserved to have it for one of the best compliments I have ever had.

The quilt is a simple design that can be adapted to any colour scheme and in any size you need by the amount of repeats you make. In this one the theme fabric, a lizard print was the starting point for the colour selection for the rest of the quilt.  I fussy cut the lizards for where I wanted them and sorted the colours to spread them across the quilt.  Lastly I had to select borders that were not plain and would hold their own with the centre of the quilt.

To this day (my son is now eleven), he still displays his quilt across his chair in his room.  It make me feel so good to see that he appreciates it that much.

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