Wednesday 16 July 2014

What am I up to...

After finishing the quilting for a friend on Sunday evening, I sat there and admired the quilt for a bit and tried to thing of what quilt I was going to work on next.  Do I continue quilting or start on piecing again.  I think I told you already that I am working on 23 quilts at this time.  All of them are in various forms of completion.  My goal is to bring this number down to 12 by the end of the year.

Someone asked me recently how and why do I have so many going at once.  The answer is not easy to explain, especially to a non quilter.  I have many things on the go because some quilts require hand work, others need quilting, some are leader/enders and others are reconstructed quilts.  Different jobs need different things.  

The hand work needs me to have patients to sit and concentrate on the pattern with different coloured threads and intricate work.  The leader and enders is something I do in between other quilts.  My main projects work continuously until something happens that I need to put it away for a bit.  The quilting of the layers needs me to have a certain attitude and the ideas on how to quilt it.  The list goes on and on.  Before you know it you have too many on the go.

After much deliberation I decided to get something done in the quilting column.  I now have eight quilts in this column.  All but two of them have the batting and backing ready to go.  This project below is what I am now working on.  This is a reversible quilt.  They are 6 1/2" squares.  This was a challenge I  set for myself to use up my scrap bits and pieces.  I can use up all my scrap batting from various projects and all the left overs and pieces too small for anything else.  The top is a solid block and the reverse is the crazy block that I sewed directly on to the batting and trimmed to size.

I even have pieces left over from various quilts that I have made or others have given up on.  Everything goes into this.  Now that this block is done, I will add the reversible sashing/binding to attach it to another block and so forth.  I call this Crazy Quilt Using Basket Scraps.  Not vary imaginative, but that is what it is.  I already have almost half of the blocks quilted.  We shall see how long it takes me to finish, so that I can cross something off my list.  That would be nice, as I haven't completed anything of my own all year.  This year was busy with renos, family health issues, work, overtime and quilting for others.  I think it is time to do one of my own.  Well one of my own quilt projects that is, as this quilt is not for me.  This will be a give away/donation quilt.

This evening I will get my hand work bag ready, as I am off to the Quilt Bee meeting.  I can't wait to see my friend's expression when she sees her quilt all done up.

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