Monday 28 July 2014

Binding a couple of giveaway quilts

This past weekend I have been staying at my parent's home looking after my Dad while my sister took my Mom to a family wedding about five hours away.  While there I did a lot of hand work.  This was a binding weekend.

This first quilt is a random type blocks with a novelty print as the starting point.  These quilts are so easy to make and go together quickly.  I start with a main fabric and choose coordinating colours to go with it.  This quilt is a lap size quilt and will be given away. I will be bringing it to Project Linus with the other quilts.  I usually accumulate ten quilts before I make my way up past my parent's place to deliver them to the woman looking after distribution.

This next quilt I also finished the binding on.  This quilt uses up a lot if different sized stripes.  In this case I kept the colour scheme to mainly red and black with a small portion of green and beige.  This quilt is also a lap size quilt and also a give away quilt.

While I was binding the quilts I was reminded of other quilts that were made using these same patterns.  One was my Mom's blue and white quilt and the other currently belongs to my son.  I will write up a post for both of them within the next couple of days.  It's neat looking at quilts and all their various colour ways.  The combinations are endless.

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