Sunday 29 June 2014

More hand work blocks done

Look what I have been doing!  Yesturday morning, I decided to attach the basket block to it's section.  Unfortunately the block ended up too small.  I fixed it though by adding the borders around it.  This created a chain of events.  The fabric I needed to chose for the borders was something that would not be in the surrounding HST border or at lest not stand out if it were.  With all the fabrics in the HSTs it was difficult so in the end I put out a pink that has only been used once in the quilt so far.

The pink was the one I used for my appliqué heart block.  This meant that I needed to move the heart, as it was located right above the basket block section.  It stood out too much.  I took the heart and green star section apart and moved the heart to the blue star.  Couldn't just move the whole section as there was already green in that area with the gingham border below the heart. This section is now sewn together with the Live, Laugh, Love block.

Yesturday afternoon my Mom invited me over for dinner.  I brought alone my hand work.  Mom worked on her red work star quilt and I worked on my appliqué basket block.  By the end of the evening when the children arrived back from spending time with their cousins at Wild Water Kingdom, I was done my basket block.

Only one more block to do.  I can't believe how quickly this quilt is starting to come together.  With the basket block done I can now finish all of section C.  The whole quilt is about 90% done already.  Wow, I am so excited!!!

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