Thursday 26 June 2014

Rows are done

Yesturday evening once dinner was done and dishes cleaned up, I decided to head to my quilt room.  Hubby has taken son to soccer practice.  Daughter up in her room reading.  Now quiet time for me.  I was able to finish the second half of the rows for my Spider Web quilt.  Five rows completed.  When I have another bit of time I can assemble the rows together and see what I may have for borders.

While sewing the rows, as my leader and ender last night, I was doing the bow tie blocks.  Another five more bow ties done with no effort at all.  Another one of Bonnie's tips.  Check out her site at  So far the bow tie blocks on the design wall do not have a single repeat fabric.  I am trying to make the whole quilt without a repeat.  Just like a charm quilt.  I have fabrics from my stash, from family and from friends. All of them are made from scraps no actual yardage used.

I find myself constantly talking about small bits of time.  Other than odd weekends, I really don't get much time to just sit and quilt for hours at a time, so I need to make the time to do it.  When I go back through my posts or my journal that I used to write in, to see what I have done.  I realize that even though they are small bits of time, I have been able to accomplish a fair amount.

If you are ever stuck in limbo when you just don't know what to do, don't despair.  Start by straightening things up or just fondling your fabric.  Something will spark your interest.  Even if you only take 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there, things will happen and when you look back you may be surprised as well.

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