Friday 13 June 2014

Checking in on this Friday night

Got home from work after 7:30 pm tonight. Exhausted from all the overtime this week. Decided to just sit and do some hand work in the chair by the sliding doors in the guest room / office / hang out room.  I enjoy sitting here.  Usually quiet and peaceful, where I can lift my head and look out into the gardens(or what gardens I managed to put in so far since we moved here, almost two years ago). Didn't take long for the kids to gravitate to the room and just hang out.  Relaying the events of the day and catching up, while I worked on my basket of the last hand stitch block for my garden quilt.

Tomorrow I have some renovation stuff to do, but mainly I will be working on finishing the quilt I am doing for a friend.  Maybe I will have it done, so I can take pictures.

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