Friday 6 June 2014

Mom's Redwork quilt

Well, I am back.  Dad is home and doing well.  Now things can get back to normal.  I went to Mom and Dad's for dinner tonight. While I was at the hospital I was working on some hand work and while my mom was at the hospital she was working on some red work.

I am not sure if anyone remembers the post from a while ago where I spoke able going through the magazines.  When I came across this following pattern from an American Patchwork & Quilting magazine Dec/2000 issue.   The first thing I thought about was, wow...Mom would like this.  The quilt is designed by Betty Alderman, Cindy Taylor Oates & Laurene Sinema.

Mom has been able to get the four corner blocks of the centre star done.  She is using multiple red floss colours.  Aren't they great.  Her stitches are so perfect.

Tomorrow I have to go stay with Dad a bit, but after that I am hoping to start some of the quilting that I need to get done.  Should be able to post more regularly.  Stay tuned.

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