Saturday 21 June 2014

Flower garden quilt coming along

A little while back I had taken these few pictures to show you the progress I am making on my Flower Garden quilt.  I forgot to post them.

One early morning, very early, I came into my quilting room to just sit, have my tea and try to wake up.  I didn't want to wake up the rest of the household.  As I sat there looking up at my design wall, that was a complete mess at the time, I was drawn to the blocks from the Flower Garden quilt.  I was surprised how many blocks I finished in a short time, and thought to myself that with the completed blocks I could now complete a few more sections of the quilt. That is how it got started.  

I chose one of the stitched blocks.  I trim the block, added the plain small border, and the HST border as you see above. By this time I am getting into it, so I started on one of the appliqué blocks.  Again I start by trimming the block, add the star block to it, and add these to the column of three blocks.  Now I have two small sections done.  Isn't this great, I am moving along with it.  Getting more motivated as I go.

So, after sitting some more to sip my tea, admiring what I have completed so far, it hit me.  Don't forget though that I am still trying to wake up(some mornings are like that).  I realize at this point that I completed two sections that are part of the same larger section.  All I needed to do was add the two side borders to the last section I made, so that I could put these two sections together.

Look at that, one larger section complete. By this time I am fully awake and happy that I can say, I have made some progress.  That was all I was able to accomplish that morning.  Back on the wall I put the section and yes, the design wall is still a mess.  On the wall there are 10 different projects.  My Flower Garden quilt sits beneath two quilts, the Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt and my Spider Web quilt.  

Next I have to finish my Spider Web quilt.  I feel it is long over due.  If I don't make an effort to finish it, it will end up packed away for a long, long time. I have all the wedges done on it, the paper removed and most of the wedges are together.  

So, this morning as I sit here writing this post and sipping my tea, I am thinking the wedges are what I will work on next.  See you later....

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