How are things going for you? Are you ready for Christmas day? Not yet for me. I have a bunch of presents to wrap and stockings to stuff, after I stuff them I will know if I need to get some small fillers. I have been taking the time these last few days to read a three book series by Nora Roberts. I haven't had the time to just sit and enjoy a good book in a while.
There has been no quilty stuff going on here since last week, so I will just take you back in time to March 20/2021:
This is a quilt that Teresa made. She told me she designing it as she went along and that she made it for her sister. This is another great way to us up some of those large scale prints, so that you can see a good chunk of the design. I like the small sashing effect and the consistency of the gold dividing rows.
Interesting facts: Also from this same date back in March/2021 until August 1st/2021, all of the quilt pictures taken during that time, were divided up to other posts dated later to capture the start and finish all in the one post. So I will summarize what has been happening in my life during this time. From this date all the craziness starts to happen. It is a complete rollercoaster ride. March-Starts with a big push to finish up the renos and pack up all the big stuff and excess. By mid-month we sold our home in Etobicoke, so now I start the process of really getting down to packing everything, calling around to arrange for moving day and changing addresses, setting up service dates, etc. April-We bought a home in Acton, I am working crazy amounts of overtime due to the boom in the housing market, while still packing and travelling to my mom on weekends to quilt for customers and groceries for my daughter, who is still staying at my mom's. Now we are also moving stuff into storage, as we have pretty much maxed out at my mom's place. We still need room for us. May-On the 1st, I hosted a zoom workshop for the HHQG, I resigned from workshop convenor for HHQG after 3yrs of volunteering. On the 14th, we moved out of our home in Etobicoke and moved up here to Acton with my mom temporarily and take possession of our new home in Acton on the 19th. But it wasn't crazy enough, so now you add in the mix of gutting and renovating the new house before we can move in. Taking down walls, tearing out all the flooring, gut the kitchen cupboards, and the main bathroom. June-Most of the demolition on the main floor is done, now we start to put it back together. Drywall the ceilings, walls, plumbing out the shower and tub in main bathroom. Plus, I was elected president of the Halton Hills Quilter's Guild (HHQG). July-I am plastering, priming and painting all the rooms, as the push is on!! It now becomes a mad dash to finish whatever I can because the other members of my family decided they wanted to move into the house come August 1st!!! YIKES!! August 1st came around and we semi moved in. Did I mention we still don't have a kitchen or a main Mid-month, we start into installing all subfloors, ceramic floor tiles in kitchen and bathroom, wood floors throughout the rest of the main floor. Finished it in time minus the baseboards. I am also painting up the main bathroom, installing the vanity/sink, toilet, tub and tiling the shower. End of August we head to my mom's to do 5 bushels of tomatoes for us and 2 bushels for her of diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, salsa and marinara.
If I didn't have all this information in my calendar, I would never have believed that I did this much in this short a period of time...WOW!! You'll see in the upcoming posts that I continued to do a lot of juggling, but nothing was so crazy as it was during these six months from March-August/2021. It boggles my mind.
Now in the end of the year 2022, I am starting to take my own advice and taking some time for myself. The last few days reading for pleasure and just in general looking after me. I even went and had a manicure. Whoo hoo! Something I haven't done in a couple of years now. No sense in getting one when you're playing with power tools, wood, plaster and
Have a great night everyone.
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