Thursday 8 December 2022

Fancy Forest Animals quilt by a customer

I had an enjoyable evening out tonight with some ladies from work.  It's really nice when we get together and catch up with what everyone has been up to, since our last get together.  Some have retired and a few I still see at work, but not in the same department or now working from home.  Meeting them is a real energy booster.  Lots of talking and laughing. Hmmmm...big sigh, until next time.

Today I want to share with you a quilt that will take you back in time to Nov 20/2020:

This quilt pattern I believe is called Fancy Forest Animals by Eileen Conti or at least that is what the search brought up.  This first picture is of the unquilted top only.

This next picture is of the quilted top.  I quilted this using a pattern called Overlapping Circles from Urban Elementz.  Unfortunately, I forgot to get a close up.

It turned out nice!  I like all of these animal quilts that are out nowadays.  There are many different types and now there are even themes, like dinosaurs, porcupines, and many more.  They seem to be popular with other quilters too.
Interesting facts, outside of quilting, about the same month back in Nov/2020:  At this time, with renos, I am gearing up to get a lot of things done from now until March.  I am feeling a bit panicky, as I feel there is not a lot of time to get what I need to get done, and with the housing market getting hot, I don't want to lose the window of time between the seller's market and the buyer's market.  So here is where it starts to get even more crazy around here.  I have started to gut the basement, removing all the paneling and some partial walls to open up the space.  Lots and lots to do still.....and I just keep thinking the clock is ticking....very  I can laugh a bit now, but at the time, I was more stressed.

Enjoy!  Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself!

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