Friday 2 December 2022

Judy's machine appliqué flower quilt

Yesturday and today, I've been surfing blogland, checking out what others are doing.  It's interesting.  Many things caught my eyes.  There is so much eye candy out there.  It doesn't matter what you are looking for, you are sure to find something you like.  While I was surfing, I came across a site that I haven't been on in a long time.  I almost forgot about it.  But now that I found it again, I am inspired to get back to the Take-a-stitch-Tuesday (TAST) at Pintangle.  See if you are interested. 

I did some a few years back and got too busy to continue, but I just read that she is going to be doing a challenge starting Jan/2023.  I signed up for the weekly emails with the challenge embroidery stitch of the week.  I haven't decided if I am going to do the whole thing, but I do enjoy the inspiration.  I have several books that I also want to get into for embroidery, beading, ribbon work and more.  I already have my template for my hexagon blocks that I plan to use for my wall hanging that will be made out of velvets and velour.  I have been collecting....I think I have enough to make several full size

The wall hanging is going to be, in the way, a Victorian style crazy patchwork, with a whole lot of fancy stitch work.  Join in if you wish!  

For this post though, I will take you back in time to Aug 30/2020:

This is Judy's machine appliqué flower quilt, made in nice soft colours.  Makes me think of summer.  This picture was a close up to show that you can still do edge to edge on an appliqué quilt and you barely see the stitches running over the appliqué.  I wouldn't do it on a fully hand pieced item, as those generally deserve to be custom quilted or hand quilted.  But this quilt was going to get used regularly.  

Here is the full view.  It turned out very pretty.  I quilted it with a design that has large daisy like flowers and butterflies.  It is a soft and open design to match the flavour of the quilt.

Here is a little bit closer to see the individual block layout.  Each appliqué block is a half square triangle with light and medium fabrics with the flower laying across the seam.  The alternating blocks are nine patches.  All the blocks are separated by small white sashing. 

That's all for tonight.  I am heading to bed early, as I have a busy day of quilting tomorrow.  I have a bunch of Christmas quilt deadlines to meet.  I'll likely be quilting the whole weekend, as I don't like leaving that sort of stuff to the last minute, especially considering the quilt would still need to be binded, labeled and wrapped.

Have a great evening everyone!  Take care and don't forget to take some time for you!

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