Sunday 4 December 2022

Mom's wolf wall hanging

Today started with being served tea in bed when I woke nice is that!  I enjoyed my tea while I took my computer out and caught up on reading some blog posts.  Later on I got out of bed, did the usual morning routine, and headed downstairs to take care of more deadline quilts for customers.

I also took care of a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in my quilting studio space, like ironing the fabrics I washed, trimming this and that, picking up the hot spot messes in various places and generally getting things in order.  By 2:00 pm, I declared that I was done and quit for the rest of the day.  I haven't even had any "me time", time to do whatever I want to do and relax some as this time, I still hadn't even had time to have lunch either.  Time to fix that!!

So I went upstairs and made some lunch, called my mom to check up on her.  Everything was well.  I decided to take the rest of the day off from quilting business here at home and head over to her place.  I still had to complete the set up of her new tablet.  Mom has really been embracing the whole online stuff.  Since we stayed at her house back in March/2020 in preparation to sell our house, we started introducing the internet to her bit by bit.  She is now at this time and date officially

While I was at my mom's today, I took the opportunity to take some pictures of her quilts and wall hangings.  Though I took these pictures today, this piece was actually made and quilted back in July/2020.

My mom/Lorna bought a panel of a winter scene with wolves.  I looked up some images of what to do with panels on Pinterest, and mom decided to make it simple with the squares around the two corners.  I quilted the wall hanging in free motion, outlining in the center and used a grid pattern to free motion the borders.

This same pattern, that I used on the squares, in the picture above, is the same pattern that I decided to use on the plain black fabric that was used for the remaining parts of the last border.  The process that I used for the black border was a little bit different, as I didn't have the guidance of the pieced blocks to create the grid that I needed to quilt out the pattern. 

I think it turned out very good!!  I love the overall affect of the border.  I did it in a faded jean colour to match or bring out the centre colours of the panel.

I had a lovely afternoon at my mom's place.  I got things done that she needed done and relaxed some. Plus....I got a beautiful dinner out of it.  Homemade meals...there is nothing better than that!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Take care. 

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