Sunday 18 December 2022

A Christmas disappearing nine patch quilt

I finally finished all the customer Christmas quilt deadlines last weekend and they have all been picked up throughout the week.  Nothing like last minute quilting....glad I won't be doing the  These past few days, I was trying to catch up on the quilting samples, that I fell behind on and that was interrupted with a power outage on Wednesday that lasted most of the evening.  Still need to do another sixty samples, but yesturday I had to deal with all my Christmas gift shopping instead.

I got up bright and early, had breakfast, and sat to have my tea while I cruised online trying to get suggestions for age appropriate gifts for my son and daughter.  Just an FYI for those who also have more gift shopping to do....Amazon is still guaranteeing delivery before Christmas day, depending on where you live I guess.  I knocked a couple of gifts off the list, before I even left the house.  Yeah!!

I was out shopping all day with my sister, followed by a visit to her house, and a girls movie night, with the original Pride and Prejudice...the six hour version...  I enjoyed the day spent with my sister.

Today I have to sort out all the gifts, maybe even wrap them to determine if I have to go out again today to do some smaller items.  Likely won't have much time to do anything quilt related today and maybe even for the next couple of days.  Though I am running out of time, I don't feel as frantic anymore.  Yesturday dealt with most of it and I had a lovely relaxing evening.  Even though I didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning after that six hour movie, I am still up early this morning and ready to tackle the day. 

So, I will leave you with a Christmas quilt and take you back to April/2020:
This is when I made this quilt, that I later used as inspiration for the HHQG workshop in March/2021.  For this pattern I used the disappearing nine-patch block, this way I could use up all the large print novelty fabrics that I had saved for a while.  

So many of these blocks look like I fussy cut them, but other than ensuring I had scenes closer to the corners, as I cut my large starting squares, things just turned out how they did.  This one has the bird on the trimmed tree.

This second one was using a fabric with an overall pattern and it still looks good with the oranges and poinsettias. 

Though I took this next picture for a closer view of the quilted snowflakes, you can enlarge it to see the images of Santa with his sack of toys, another one of three nutcrackers, another scene of a nutcracker and a white rocking horse by a Christmas tree.  Some blocks had ornaments, some snowflakes, others had food stuff like a fruit punch bowl that you would have used for a fully trimmed traditional Christmas feast.  I really enjoyed making this quilt and seeing how pretty the blocks turned out, with all sorts of Christmas designs.  The blocks are just large enough to capture all of the festive scenes.

Here is the finished quilt taken at my mom's place.  The blocks were so pretty, I didn't think I needed to add any borders to this throw size quilt.

Hope you like it!  I know I do and as I still have this quilt, I can enjoy it during this Christmas season.  Hope everyone is doing well with all of their last minute preparations.  Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself.  You'll need it, especially at this time of the the year!