Saturday 3 December 2022

Angela Walters' quilt along

I've been quilting customer quilts that have deadlines, as they are for Christmas.  Two more off the list.  I have a few more to do, so will likely do two tomorrow and another one next week.  I'll be caught up on the deadlines, until after the new year, and can maybe rest for a bit and do my own stuff, plus add in a few quilts for Quits for Survivors.

No pictures from today just yet.  Still need to trim the quilts and hope for better day light, before the customers come to pick up their quilts.  What a miserable day today, weatherwise.  We had rain and some snow, plus some really strong winds.  The wind was so strong that one of my customer's fence fell down.  It was that bad!

For today I'll take you back in time to Aug 22/2020:   

I did this panel that Angela Walters designed and had produced for one of her quilt-along.  Angela has many now.  This one I believe was called What to Quilt Where, but not a 100% sure.  The panel is designed to represent various types of blocks from nine patches, flying geese, square in a square, pinwheels and more.  It was well thought out and really good variety with the quilting motifs.  I highly recommend any of her quilt-along, they are all so informative.  You learn a lot!

Here is a closer view of the top section with the four rows and white background.

Here is the remaining three rows including the previous row from above.

We did a lot of ruler work, which is generally how it starts for outlining all the block sections.  We did free motion in the blocks or sometimes more ruler work, followed by using a filler of choice to fill in the sections not quilted.

I had fun doing this.  Please don't look too closely as I am still learning my free motion quilting.  I don't get a lot of time to practice and when it comes to free motion quilting you need to practice, practice and continue to practice just to get mediocre.

This next little section is one of my favourite blocks.  I do like stars and the colour purple, plus I like the swirls that I quilted on this.

I am taking the rest of the day off to rest some, didn't have the greatest sleep last night.  I think I will go make something for dinner and curl up under the blankets, put on the candles and watch a Christmas some Hygge... in other words get all comfy and cozy (See below)

Definition:  Hygge is all about being in the moment, feeling completely relaxed and centred, letting go of the hectic world around you, either alone or with loved ones.  Hygge time in Scandinavia is enjoyed after a busy day of activities.  No phones and computers allowed in those magical moments.

Hope everyone had a good day, even with the weather we just had.  Take care and don't forget to take some time for some hygge and get feeling all

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