Tuesday 13 December 2022

Hexagon quilt progress

I realized earlier today that I haven't shared the progress on my hexagon quilt in a while.  Trying to keep it real, with just how long these things take to make.  Especially considering this whole top is being done by hand.  This has been an on and off, long term project, that I started back in Nov 18/2014 (click this link if you wish to read more Start of Hexagon quilt). 

This picture is as of Oct 29th/2022 of just the bottom section on the left hand side.  Since the update in September, I finished the diagonal row going into the centre.

Since Oct 29th, I got a couple more diamonds done.  The two sections on the left were already completed back in October.  I haven't had as much time to work on this lately, as I would like, but still bit by bit, I can see the progress.

I also have all the patties made for three more diamonds in my grab and go container and I started on the four diamond patties.

So the next time you are working on something and feel that you are getting nowhere with it.....try taking pictures of your progress with dates.  You may find that you are making more progress than you initially thought.

Again, just keeping it real.  We have lives to live, work to do, taking care of the household, taking care of loved ones, and spending time with family and friends.  In all of this, we still need to find some time for ourselves...our sanity depend on it....lol.  

Take care everyone!

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