Friday 23 December 2022

Judy's almost Amish quilt

I am setting this post to publish tomorrow, as I will be trying to catch up on things in my quilting area.  Tomorrow (or by the time this post, today), is Friday.  Have to work until 5pm, and I am off work for a week.  I am getting excited.  I really need the down time.  My kids are home, we will be spending Christmas at my mom's place where the whole family still gets together to celebrate, open the gifts and enjoy family time with lots of food.

Today I am going to take you back in time to Aug 8/2021:

This would have been just after I quilted this quilt for Judy.  The picture does not do this quilt justice.  In person it looks so much better.  Judy calls this quilt Almost Amish.  I am assuming because of the bright colours with the background in black.  It was quilted using Time Warp from Urban Elementz.  Unfortunately, I forgot to get close up photos of the quilting.  This is a good jelly roll quilt.

Outside of quilting, interesting facts at the same time back on the long weekend of August 1st/2021, there was no holding them back any longer.....the kids moved their mattresses and beds into the new house to set up their rooms, all while I am setting up a washing station in the basement for a temporary kitchen and packing up our daily stuff from at my mom's place.  Did I tell you, that we still don't have a kitchen or a main   Like I said, there was no holding them

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