Thursday 22 December 2022

Another Daybreak quilt

Whoo hoo!!!  I finished my Christmas wrapping this evening.  Now I can relax a bit and maybe try and get this place in order.  A lot of hot spots to pick up and deal the try to work on something and other things fall behind.  Well now that I have the presents wrapped and mostly cleaned up, I can get back to doing up some of my samples.  Still have quite a few of those to do.  I will try and quilt a few more quilts for Quilts for Survivors too.

Quilting related, I found another picture from a participant at the workshop for the Daybreak pattern.  Another colourway to share.  This was the workshop from March/2021 for the HHQG.  You can see the main post about it on the post dated Apr 24/2022.  This one is really close to the one I did, but the colours have been divided into your darker strips for the large main star and your medium strips for the secondary smaller star.  It looks great!!

I added this block of mine here so you can see how close it is, but still different.  I think I said it in my previous post as well, but I will say it here too, that I enjoyed seeing all the different variations from everyone who attended the workshop.

Outside of yesturday and today's post are out of sequence.  I intended to do this one first based on the dates and the progress I was making with my getting ready to move business. So excuse my error.  

Interesting facts:  Taking you back in time to Feb/2020: 

February-I begin by patching up the holes from pictures we've taken down, dents and cracks, and painted the living room.  We also packed up my daughter's room so that I can get to it and moved her to my mom's place, where she is going to be staying until we move.  This month I also finished installing the wood floors in the living room, stained and varnished 2 levels of stairs to match the new wood floors, painted the risers, touched up paint in the kitchen, dismantle/pack/move the sewing room outside of one machine on a small table.  The coming soon sign goes up to let people know that we are selling. So the push is still on to get things done in time.  I still feel like I am on a rollercoaster ride and can't stop  But I keep going... I managed to also paint the upstairs bathroom, the office, sewing room and basement stairs this month, during weekends and the extra vacation time I took to get things done.  

March-I start the deep cleaning of all the rooms, wash windows, steam clean all the area rugs, to get ready for pictures.  Once those are done, behind the scenes, I am touching up paint and more deep cleaning.  I have to also pack up my son and our family dog to my mom's place, as we are now ready to list the house for sale. Moving to my mom's for the week while it is showing. By the 23rd we reviewed the offers and sold the house. Whooo hooo!!!

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