Sunday 29 November 2015

Started Mel's Romance & Roses quilt

I did finish the Midnight Flight quilt.  I am just waiting for some time to take the pictures with natural day light. 

The Midnight Flight quilt is for my first and eldest niece. This quilt Romance & Roses is for my second niece, the second eldest.  I plan to make my my way down trine to all my nieces and nephews in order of birth.  The only time I will divvy from that is if someone "really" likes a quilt that I made already and doesn't have a home.

This quilt is called Romance &Roses from the book Simple Blessings by Kim Diehl.

My version of the quilt will have a different border though.  I will do the diamond borders, but I plan to change the applique to something with a bit more softer feel to it.  I think it will suit my niece's taste a bit better.  In the picture below on the left hand side is a sample of the applique border I plan to do, or close to it.

Here is what I have done so far.  Nine blocks done.  These are my nieces colours.  Her bed duvet is in a taupe colour and her apartment accessories throughout are a deep burnt red with blacks scattered about.  For the applique vine that will go around the border I will need to add in a green, but I will go with something deep, so as not to overwhelm the rest of the quilt.  

When I asked my niece to describe what she wanted in a quilt, she just said she wanted it to have a feminine feel to it.  I think this will work.

Yesturday, I was running around.  First with getting my daughter to work, my son to his hockey game, and a little later picking up daughter from work. Went out with my sister to Costco. Wow, what a place!  Good thing I do not have a membership.  One can go crazy there with all that they carry.  After that my son and I headed to the hairdressers, he was so bad we could have just put a ponytail in his hair.  Not that I have a problem with boys and long hair, but that is not what he or I wanted. Later we were off on a trip to the pet store to finally get the supplies for our new puppy that will be arriving December 20th.  Round that out with a trip to Walmart for salad fixings to go with dinner.  We finally settled down, my son and I to read for a bit at 8:40 pm.  What a day!  I almost hit my personal best with my steps yesturday.

Today we are off to visit the new puppy!  We are so excited!  The ride will be just over an hour each way.  I will be taking some hand work with me.  I will let you know how that goes.  Otherwise, today is supposed to be another very busy day for me, so I may not get anything else quilty done today.  I am still trying to finish the renos in the laundry room.  Unfortunately, this plaster is taking forever to dry with the cooler weather.

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