Wednesday 2 December 2015

Finished the Midnight Flight quilt top

I finished the Midnight Flight quilt top. Yay!!!

Once I got going with the borders, it didn't take too long.  By the time I got to bed, it was close to 11:00 pm.  A bit later I wanted to, but I really wanted to call this top done.

I have a few ideas what I want to do with the quilting.  Still playing them out in my head.  This one though has to wait in line to be quilted, as I have some in front of it.

Here is a close up of the four borders I decided to go with.  The original quilt, designed and made by Bonnie Hunter, has fancy borders, but I decided to end the quilt with simple borders.  I like the centre of the quilt and feel it can stand on its own.

My daughter has been working away on her handwork with her snowman quilt.  I will share those with you shortly.


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