Thursday 3 December 2015

Two more Dresden plates done

On the weekend my family and I went on a trip to Norwick to visit our new puppy.  We are all very excited.  The puppies are now five weeks old.  We will be getting her on December 19th.  We are going to be very busy trying to train the puppy and trying to keep her out of trouble.

While on the way I had an hour and a quarter to do some hand stitching.  On the way up, I finished this pink Dresden plate.

On the way back I finished most of this peach one. Yesturday I finished it up.  All I had left to do was one half side of the purple centre.  Now I have 14 of these left to do.  They are coming along.

Here is a picture of a few of the puppies. Until they are seven to eight weeks old we will not know which one we will get. It takes that long to establish their characters.  Aren't they the cutest?


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