Wednesday 25 November 2015

Working away on the Midnight Flight quilt

I've been working away on the Midnight Flight quilt.  I have the centre done.  This was a picture of the two sections sewn together.  The third section is now attached but won't fit here on floor.  I like how it turned out.  I am almost there, and I will attach the borders.

While assembling this quilt I am also making progress on my leader/ender quilt.  See the latest stack I have accumulated?  I haven't counted recently but I figure I am over halfway done on these sixteen patch blocks.

This is all I have left of these parts.  I will move on to the pinwheel parts.  I am getting excited that I am almost done this quilt.

Do you know how easy I get distracted?  Very easy!!!  I am not even done the Midnight Flight quilt and already I have designed a smaller quilt with the leftover pieces from this quilt.  The centre of the new one measures approx. 42" x 60",  It is made up of mostly the dark blues.  I am calling it Midnight Flight Runway.  You will understand the name once you see the layout.  But.....I will keep that a surprise for another post.  

Enjoy your day everyone. 

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