Friday, 20 November 2015

Floret number three for the left side

I am still working on my laundry room, so no quilting for me again today.  I didn't even get to sneak any time in yesturday, but today will be an early work day, as I am going to my mom's for dinner.  Always nice having dinner made for you.  And moms usually cater to your favourite dishes.  At least I will have that to look forward to.  Let's see if I can finish the bulk of the work today.

Sometime last week I worked on this.  Floret number three for the left side is now done.  I have been working away at these, alternating between doing the florets and doing the Dresden plates.  Now that work has changed to only half hour lunches, I am not getting any handwork done at that time.  Overall there has been less time spent waiting around too.  So, I find myself making time to work on these.

Whether it be the Dresden plate or the hexagons, I enjoy doing a bit right after getting home from work.  It helps me to settle down and relax.  I only need about an hour, to feel rejuvenated and ready to do what needs to be done.  This is usually the only time during the week that I get to myself.  It's when the kids are still doing homework and just before having to make dinner.  Me time is important, for both me and my family.  If I feel good, everything runs better and my family is happy.

I strongly suggest that everyone carve a bit of time out of each day just for themselves, even if it is only 10-15 minutes.  Everyone benefits from some zoning out time.  Time to reflect without any electronics.

Enjoy the day!

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