Sunday 15 March 2015

Slow day

Yesturday morning I finished the binding for the Pleated Log Cabin quilt.  Unfortunately, I had some running around to do with my daughter, who was looking for a birthday gift for her friend.  By the time we got back I only had an hour before having to drive her to work for 5:00 pm.

She was only working a three hour shift, so I wondered to myself what I could get done.  I managed to sort out some of the half square triangle silks and neatly put them away until I am ready to start working on that quilt.

I also got the five give away quilts labeled, bundled and tagged.  Now they can be delivered.

By 9:00 pm I felt that I hadn't gotten much done, but I was beat.  I decided to go and read a bit before heading to bed.

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