Wednesday 11 March 2015

Another floret complete

Tonight was a Quilt Bee meeting.  Everyone was busy, busy, busy.  One of the ladies was working on a quilt for her own bed.  All done with appliquéd dahlias in navies beiges, burgundies and lighter shade of all the mentioned colours.  Looks beautiful so far.  Another lady was working on a quilt for her first soon to be grandchild.  Everyone was busy in various stages with their quilts.

Me...I finished the floret for the bottom left hand corner.  It is probably one of the brightest florets so far.  I also got the last floret that goes on the top row done, or rather the floret part anyways.  I still have to do the surrounding white and purple hexagons.

I worked on this last night while waiting in the doctor's office and during lunch.  A bit of time here and a bit of time there, is all it takes.  They do seem to be coming along well.

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