Friday, 27 March 2015

Mom's old Crazy quilt

I am just getting back from a visit to my Parent's house.  It has been a very busy week.  With late nights at work trying to cram everything in before my vacations. Or as they say now, staycations.

Mom made dinner and we sat and chatted for a while.  While talking to my Mom, I was telling her that due to the overtime, I haven't had much time to do any quilty stuff, so that I could post about it.  That is when she asked me if I took a picture of her Crazy quilt.  

I didn't remember the quilt she was talking about.  She went upstairs and brought it down to show me.  I had completely forgotten about it.  This is Mom's Crazy quilt.  It is what most people would call a utilitarian quilt.  It's not a fancy heirloom quilt.  It's more of a memory quilt.  She made this quilt about ten years ago.  It consist of all of her scraps.  The blocks are large and sewn together at random, and sewn together in rows.

After the top was completed Mom took some blue embroidery floss and stitched a vine, all along the seam lines.  She layered the quilt and tied it.  At that time Mom wouldn't have known how to quilt the layers together.  The quilt is colourful with random placement. No rhyme nor reason.

The close up shows some for the stitching.  You can also see the ties that hold the layers together.  The blocks are approx. ten inches in size.  It doesn't look like much, but for us, the family, it is a composition of memories.  Most of the fabric scraps are from clothes that my mom made for one of us.  From pajamas for my nieces, a dress that my Mom wore, shorts for my daughter, and so forth.

This quilt will never win a ribbon in a quilt show, but we don't care.  This quilt holds many memories and can create more.  We don't worry when taking the quilt outside on a picnic or letting the kids use it to make tents or forts.  It gets thrown here and there.  We will use and enjoyed this quilt until it's last days, until it disintegrates.

That is what some quilts are meant for.

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