Sunday 8 March 2015

Shirting to make a quilt

I have been collecting shirting material to make a quilt.  My family has been saving their shirts just for this purpose.  I figure I have enough now to make a quilt.  I am in the process of cutting up my pieces.  It is amazing how far a large shirt will go.  I needed the variety for the quilt I am making, but not a lot of actual yardage.  For the most part, one front shirt is all I am using of each shirt.

Above are my darks and below are some lights.  I am going to have to substantiate some lights to have enough fabric for the quilt, but that is ok.  I am not too particular that the whole quilt be made of shirting.  I do have a lot of shirts, so the majority of the quilt will be shirting.

This will be consider my family and friends quilt.  I have some shirts from my husband, my brother, my brother's brother-in-law, my niece's husband, and even have some from St. Augustine from my Aunt who got them from someone in her family.  There are some from Grandma D, Grandma B, even one from my son.  This quilt is going to be so neat!!!  A big memory quilt.  You will have to wait and see. For now I am not telling what quilt pattern I have in mind.  Consider it a surprise.  Or at least a surprise until I can't hold the secret any longer.  My excitement my get the better of me.  We will see.

Stay tuned.

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