Wednesday 28 January 2015

The first two florets now attached

I did some hexagons during my lunch yesturday.  It takes longer to do the surrounding hexies and there are more of them to make.  This is block number two in the top row of the first quilt border.  Looking good so far.

When I got home I wanted to have a finish, so I attached all the surrounding hexagons and attached it to the corner unit.  I am off and running.  I will continue to add to this unit, to complete the  top row. From there I will work on the sides individually, but not attach them to the top unit, until I finish the middle of the quilt first.

A little success, but a success nonetheless.  I look at this and smile.  I never thought I would actually get around to making a hexagon quilt.  It was definitely a quilt on my wish list like the wedding ring quilt, but just didn't think it would happen.

I guess working with someone else's hexagon quilt has inspired me to put this quilt in the forefront.

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