Monday 19 January 2015

Cutting hexagons

During the weekend I was cutting up a storm.  I ran out of cardboard hexagons/patties.  Before I could make any more florets I needed to get some things cut up.  While at the quilt store on Friday I also picked up a bunch of '30s -'40s fabric to supplement the old fabrics that I already have.

I washed the new fabrics while I started cutting the stuff I already had.  I managed to find enough different fabrics to make all fifty florets.  While I was cutting strips for the hexagons I decided to handle the fabric only once and cut out the remaining fabrics into strips for my version of the Oh my gosh! quilt.  I must have cut at least half of a container full of fabrics.

I even sorted out the colours and decided where each floret would go.  I took it one step further and bundled up the pieces with all the parts to finish the floret and surrounding border.  The top row is all neatly sitting in my grab and go tin, and the rest are sitting nicely in a basket ready and waiting to be done.

While I was cutting I had a visitor.  This little beige squirrel jumped up on the window sill, with a full piece of bread in his hands.   I think I must have surprised him, because he looked startled and ran away really fast, to hide the bread.   He came back, without the bread, and sat there watching me through the window.  At this I was shocked.  I was standing right there at my cutting table which is up against the wall in front of the window.  No more the three feet apart and he was just watching me.  By the time I thought to take a picture and reached for my tablet, he had decided I wasn't interesting enough to stay.  I was only able to catch him when he jumped down on the air conditioner and took a pause to look around before going on his way.  How cool is that!

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