Friday 2 January 2015

Slow progress during the holidays

Yesturday I was working some more on the Midnight Flight quilt for my niece.  Making some progress there.  Have 1 1/2 piles of chevrons done and 2 1/2 left to go.  Most of the day was spent taking down the Christmas decorations and decluttering the basement tv room, before heading over to my mom's place for a late brunch at 2:30 pm.  With my daughter now working, our schedule changes too, to accommodate her work schedule.

After most of the people left at Mom's place I took out my handwork.  I got one floret done and started working on the perimeter.  A little progress here and there and eventually it gets done.  These types of projects usually take a few years to complete, as they are not worked on constantly.  So, I will say sorry in advance if I bore everyone with the little progresses along the way and hope that my other quilt work will add to the interest of reading my posts.

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