Tuesday 6 January 2015

A couple of florets

It will be slow with showing new things on posts for the next little while.  Quilting is not always instant gratification.  For the next couple of weeks I will be concentrating on finishing two quilts.  One needs the quilting and the second one needs to be sewn closed at the edges.  From the point of quilting my quilts need to be complete, before I will show any progress on them.  

In the meantime I will share with you any hand work I manage to get done during my lunch breaks.  These are the two that I finished within the past two days.  On average after I eat, I have enough time to finish one floret.  But I don't work on it everyday.  I only work on it when I can't catch my friends to go to lunch together.  I enjoy the company and comradery. 

Enjoy your evening. 

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