Saturday 31 January 2015

Another floret completed

Been sick these past couple of days with my son who was worst.  No sleep for the past two nights.  Haven't much to show quilt wise, so I thought I would show you the floret that I finished during the Quilting Bee.  This one is number three of the top row.

Today we are not much better, so will have to go to the walk-in.  Just letting you know that there may not be many posts for a couple more days.  Hoping this will clear up soon.  The only thing that I must do today, quilt wise, is stop off at Sew Sisters to pick up my kit, as their hours of business don't allow me to go any other day than Saturday.  If I have the energy I may share that with you tomorrow.

Keep well everyone, it is flu season.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

The first two florets now attached

I did some hexagons during my lunch yesturday.  It takes longer to do the surrounding hexies and there are more of them to make.  This is block number two in the top row of the first quilt border.  Looking good so far.

When I got home I wanted to have a finish, so I attached all the surrounding hexagons and attached it to the corner unit.  I am off and running.  I will continue to add to this unit, to complete the  top row. From there I will work on the sides individually, but not attach them to the top unit, until I finish the middle of the quilt first.

A little success, but a success nonetheless.  I look at this and smile.  I never thought I would actually get around to making a hexagon quilt.  It was definitely a quilt on my wish list like the wedding ring quilt, but just didn't think it would happen.

I guess working with someone else's hexagon quilt has inspired me to put this quilt in the forefront.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Label is done for Rose's florets quilt

Last night I worked on the label for Rose's florets quilt.  I think it turned out good.  The picture is crocked but the actual words are not.  At 10:00 pm last night, I guess I just didn't notice it.  Now I sew the label to the quilt.  Almost done.  I am getting excited.  Hope they like it. 

During my lunches I am still working away on my own florets, but nothing to show anyone yet.  I am off to work now.  Enjoy your day everyone.

Monday 26 January 2015

Fabric selection for my Tiny Town quilt

Last night when my eyes were too tired to do anymore handwork, I sorted through some fabric for the next quilt I am starting.  I don't know if any of you remember during the summer how I did a shop hop.  Past posts will give you all the information, but in short I went to many quilt stores in Ontario.  

As I visited each store I collected a couple of fabrics to go with the theme fabric pictured below.  I collected some orange, red, yellow, green and blue to fabrics to match.

This is what I ended up with.  I did add just a few from my own stash and I added black as well.

The yellows are separate because they are going to be used for the background fabrics.  The main parts of the quilt that I will appliqué the designs onto.

I was looking for just the right pattern to use these fabrics, but I didn't chose this pattern for the fabrics.  As I mentioned yesturday, I had completely forgotten that I signed up for this appliqué class with Sew Sisters.  I only thought of the fabrics later and wondered if they would work.  I think they will.

In my mind I was playing the coincidence game.  Like, isn't it a coincident that this pattern is called Tiny Town and most of the fabrics were found in little quilt stores in small towns.  I expanded on that thought and said to myself that there are also vehicles in the quilt to represent the road trip that we took to all these places.  But if that was not enough to convince me that these fabrics were perfect for this quilt, I happen to look down at the pile of fabrics.  On the top is this one below.  The first thing my eye caught onto was the address printed on the fabric 5480 Main Street.  Is this not a quilt about homes, and homes have addresses.  

That was all I needed to be sold on the idea of these fabrics.  Besides the fact that I like these fabrics, three coincidences says something to reinforce the idea.  It may sound silly, but I am a girl who believes that coincidences.  Things happen for a reason.  So I am going with it.  It will also save some money by using what I already have instead of buying all new.  The great part about going scrappy, is that if I do run out of something I can just add something else in there with the same colour scheme and it will work.  It's a win win situation.  

Now that the fabrics are selected I have to wait for the kit with the first step to start.

Sunday 25 January 2015

A BOM I am doing with Sew Sisters called Tiny Town

I just got an email apologizing for having my email incorrectly.  What a surprise I had when I received it.  I completely forgot that I signed up for the Sew Sisters' Saturday Morning Club - Tiny Town.  I didn't get the welcome package to remind me and to provide the list of supplies I would need to start.  I even missed the first class that was on the 17th of January.  I am already stressed out about this.  OH MY GOD, where to find the time to add yet another thing to do!!!  One complete block each month!!!  I need this like I need a hole in my head.  What was I thinking when I signed up for this.

I know....I know.... I just have to deal with this.  I signed up because I wanted to make this quilt.  I can do it.  I will have to calm myself.  I can do it.  But......NO, no buts.  Unfortunately, the store is only open while I am at work, except for Saturday.  I will be yet another week behind everyone else when I go pick up my kit on the 31st, but I can do it.  I am constantly reassuring myself.  My new chant is sound a lot like Thomas the tank engine........I think I can, I think I can......  In my case it is.....I can do this, I CAN do this, I can....  I'm just not convinced yet. But, like everything else, I will find a way.  I still do want to make this quilt.

Saturday Morning Club - Tiny TownPrice: $30.00 

Saturday 24 January 2015

Small pumpkin wall hanging and other progress

I woke up this morning a 5:00 am, again.  Even thought I went to bed at 12:30 am.  I think there is definitely something wrong with my internal clock. It's like when I was a kid.  I could hardly roll out of bed to go to school and when I am able to sleep in on the weekends I can't.  Oh well, got to live with it.  The one benefit to waking up early though is that I am so much more productive.  I can get a lot of stuff done when everyone else is in bed sleeping.

This morning I cut out all the pumpkin pieces for a small wall hanging that I am making.  This will be all hand appliqué.  I pieced the background together and just lay the pumpkins on top for now.  I was just waiting for my Mom to call, because we were going to head to Sew Sisters.

In the late morning I picked up my Mom to go to Sew Sisters.  We both needed some solid red for a quilt the we happen to both be making.  The quilt is call Texas Braid by Bonnie Hunter.  The pattern uses light and dark fabric strips of 2" width.  This is one of the sizes that I already have on hand.  I am not starting it just yet, but I saw the perfect red that I wanted to use.  When you find something you like you have to pick it up right away, because chances are very good that it will not be there when you do want it and the same fabric do not usually come back.

On Friday, another late start for me, I managed to do three more rows of the label for Rose's floret quilt. At lunch I completed another floret of my own.  I started putting on the white hexagons that go around it.  Picture will follow later when I have both the white and the purple completed.

When I got back from Sew Sisters I made a big pot of soup for when the kids are ready to eat and  settled down to start up again on finishing the edge of Rose's floret quilt.  It is going slowly, but it cannot be helped when I get distractions, like driving my daughter to work, laundry, making dinner, and picking daughter up from work.

Now that finished dinner, I just thought to write up this post before I get started again on the edges.  Have a good evening, everyone.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Right hand top corner floret done

I am working away at a bit of this and a bit of that.  Not much to report today other than the completion of the corner floret on the top right hand corner.  

Now I am working on the top floret that was already done.  I am working on the white and purple hexagons that surround it.  This is the only one that was started that belongs on the top row.  It is in seventh position.  Once I am done I will start working in order from top second position onward and attach them to each other as I go along.

I think it will look cool when the top row is complete.  I think it will also be exciting enough to drive me forward.  Like everyone else I like seeing progress. Unfortunately though hand work takes time.  That is why we cherish it so much.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Sabryna's Fair & Square quilt

My daughter joined me in my quilting room on the weekend.  She decided she wanted to sew for a bit.  Sabryna is working on one of Bonnie Hunter's patterns called Fair & Square, from the Scraps & Shirttails II - Continuing the Art of Quilting Green book.  She thinks she has all the four patches she needs and half of the stripy half square triangles.

Sabryna started assembling her blocks using the four patches and the green she chose for the centre.  So far she has a handful of these blocks done.  Her next step will be to put a small black border around these blocks.  I hadn't cut the black yet, so she will just continue to assemble more blocks.  They are looking really nice so far.  I like the green she found in my stash for the centre.  As she only needs to make thirty blocks, I had enough of the green.

Monday 19 January 2015

Cutting hexagons

During the weekend I was cutting up a storm.  I ran out of cardboard hexagons/patties.  Before I could make any more florets I needed to get some things cut up.  While at the quilt store on Friday I also picked up a bunch of '30s -'40s fabric to supplement the old fabrics that I already have.

I washed the new fabrics while I started cutting the stuff I already had.  I managed to find enough different fabrics to make all fifty florets.  While I was cutting strips for the hexagons I decided to handle the fabric only once and cut out the remaining fabrics into strips for my version of the Oh my gosh! quilt.  I must have cut at least half of a container full of fabrics.

I even sorted out the colours and decided where each floret would go.  I took it one step further and bundled up the pieces with all the parts to finish the floret and surrounding border.  The top row is all neatly sitting in my grab and go tin, and the rest are sitting nicely in a basket ready and waiting to be done.

While I was cutting I had a visitor.  This little beige squirrel jumped up on the window sill, with a full piece of bread in his hands.   I think I must have surprised him, because he looked startled and ran away really fast, to hide the bread.   He came back, without the bread, and sat there watching me through the window.  At this I was shocked.  I was standing right there at my cutting table which is up against the wall in front of the window.  No more the three feet apart and he was just watching me.  By the time I thought to take a picture and reached for my tablet, he had decided I wasn't interesting enough to stay.  I was only able to catch him when he jumped down on the air conditioner and took a pause to look around before going on his way.  How cool is that!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Quilting Bee progress

Last week while at the Quilting Bee meeting on Wednesday, I finished off two more hexagon florets.  They are going slowly, but steadily.  I now have thirteen of the fifty that I need done.

Thursday, I had approx. an hour and a half to sit and do something.  So, I started some if the hand stitching for the label that will go on the Hexagon floret quilt.  This quilt will now be referred to by the name of  Rose's florets.  The one strand of black DMC thread is just right to stand out, and not too thick to make it difficult to read the words.

On Friday, I had the day off to take care of things.  In the morning I started a second Dresden Plate block.  This new one is blue.  I got half of the purple circle centre on, before I realized what time it was and had to rush to get ready to leave.

When I was on my way back home from taking care of things, I stopped off at Sew Sisters Quilt Shop.  There I picked up a large piece of Kona Solid Chinese Red that I plan to use for a new quilt, to use up my scraps.  But that's another post...

Saturday 17 January 2015

Mom finished her redwork quilt top

Yesturday we went to my parent's place for dinner.  My mom has been busy.  She proudly pulled out her redwork quilt top that she just this past week finished.  Isn't it beautiful?  The top measures 48" square.

This next picture is of a close up.  Mom decided to use many reds to do the redwork and also the piecing.  I think the different reds adds depth to the redwork.  Really pretty.

Now she has to make her backing, pin and quilt the layers.  She is going to finish it off with a red binding.  Great job mom!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Working on a label

This morning before getting ready for work, I took some time to compose a quilt label.  To me this label is special.  It's for an old quilt.  The floret hexagon quilt.  There is history in this quilt and I feel really good to be a part of completing the quilt so that it can be used and enjoyed by the maker's descendent into the future.

I wanted to make sure that I added enough information to the label as possible, without making it too big.  The label gives a bit of history about the maker and her family.  This is the providence of the quilt.  I hope I haven't left out any important information, but I don't think so.

The picture is a bit shadowy, but in reality it is closer to white.  I am going to use one strand of black DMC embroidery thread to do the letters, and I will attach the label to the back of the finished quilt.

I kept it simple and named the quilt "Rose's florets".

What do you think?  Does it look ok?

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Started a Dresden plate block

Yesturday I had some time in the evening to work on something.  I wanted to do some handwork, but needed to take a break from doing the edge of the Hexagon quilt.  So I decided to do a Dresden plate block.  I had started the purple centre previously and just needed to secure the petals to the background.  Today I finished the last four petals.

Yesturday I also finished another floret.  I am averaging one floret per day.  I am now off to the Quilting Bee.  I see what I can get done there.

Monday 12 January 2015

Finished a corner of my hexagon quilt and my first rejected floret

Yesturday I was working away at the floret hexagon quilt.  I was able to shape the backing, trim back the batting and snip the inside corners, all the way across the last side of the quilt.  I pretty much took the whole day, outside of a few distractions like making lunch, dinner and driving my daughter to work.  I was even able to flip the backing inward and pin all of the last side.  

This was less than I thought I could get done, but with quilting that is always the way.  Things take longer than you estimate.  Now when I have some time to sit and sew I can finish the edge.

Today at work during lunch, I only had a chance to make the one white and six hexagon patties to complete another corner of my Hexagon quilt.  The turquoise/green floret was done and waiting for the additional pieces to complete the corner.  I also assembled the red gingham floret.  The patties were already done a few days ago.

This next "beginning" of a hexagon has been rejected and put aside.  Throughout the process of making a quilt, we cut up fabric and make blocks. From time to time with scrappy quilts you have to make choices to keep a block or reject it.  In this case I rejected the making of a floret with these pieces, because the background of the fabric has too much white.  When placed up against the white of the next row of hexagons that will surround them, they will be so washed out that it will look like there is a hold in the design theme.

I will keep these hexagons and use them either on the inside of the diamonds or the border somewhere.  They will not go to waste, they just will not do for the florets.

I have now completed ten of the fifty florets that need to be done.  I have them all lined up on the top of my design wall in a row across the top.  They will not stay in the same order, as I find so far, that I have too many pink or red colours.  As the white does not go around the full floret until the
next row is attached, I have decided to wait until they are all done before considering what order they will go into, and I can add the white and purple hexagons on to build and complete the border.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Making some progress on the floret hexagon quilt

I have been working hard to finish the floret hexagon quilt.  This has been the longest quilt to quilt thus far. I am enjoying working with this very old quilt.  But I have to say that it is very intense. I am literally, as the saying goes, quilting it within an inch of it's life.

This quilt was made in the early '40s and when I am done finishing it, I want it to look like it was completed in the '40s too.  As I work to finish off the edging, I admire all the old fabrics that make up this quilt.  What a collection the maker had.  I admire the fabrics, the fabric placement and the precision of the maker.

Yesturday, outside of a few distractions, I worked all day on closing the edge.  I now only have one side left to do.  My intentions today are to finish the edge, and if time allows start quilting the last row of hexagons.

I will leave you with the pictures of the two resent florets I have been working on.  I finished the top one and have all the hexies of the second one ready to be assembled.

The fabrics that I am using to making my hexagons is from the stash of the maker of the above mentioned floret hexagon quilt.  But, as I plan to make my quilt queen size I am having to search deep in my bins to fine true period fabrics to add to what I have been given.  

Over the years I have been collecting fabrics from various sources and when I come across older fabrics I stick it aside for a special project.  Well, I consider this a special project.  I have been so inspired by the floret hexagon quilt and the Diamond Hexagon quilt (still to be quilted), that I have to make one for myself.  

I have been enjoying the process of washing and sorting the bits and pieces of old fabrics and going through my older fabrics to find stuff that would fit the age.  The yellow I am using comes from a stash of old fabrics, however in order to make the design I have come up with, I will be using new solid white and a 15 year old solid purple.

Well I will leave you with that for now.  The post is a bit longer than I intended.  I am off to see about finishing the last side.

Thursday 8 January 2015

A couple more florets

Today was my late day.  I sat down to do some hand work.  Two hours of working on the floret hexagon quilt.  I finished the little section I had left of the second side, started cutting the backing to 1/4" from the top and trimming the batting to match the top.  I cut and trimmed the full third side, and I pinned the seam under the 1/4" to match the edge.  When I find some more time to sit, I will work at slip stitching the layers closed. Once that is done, I can quilt the last row of hexagons along the edge.  Almost there.

During the last two lunch breaks I got two florets of my own done.  I am making progress.  So far I have eight out of fifty florets done, with little effort.  Only need patients and persistence.  Let's see how much of both I have.  Time will tell.

I started working on this next one today.  My daughter's choice.  

Tuesday 6 January 2015

A couple of florets

It will be slow with showing new things on posts for the next little while.  Quilting is not always instant gratification.  For the next couple of weeks I will be concentrating on finishing two quilts.  One needs the quilting and the second one needs to be sewn closed at the edges.  From the point of quilting my quilts need to be complete, before I will show any progress on them.  

In the meantime I will share with you any hand work I manage to get done during my lunch breaks.  These are the two that I finished within the past two days.  On average after I eat, I have enough time to finish one floret.  But I don't work on it everyday.  I only work on it when I can't catch my friends to go to lunch together.  I enjoy the company and comradery. 

Enjoy your evening. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Quilting the Pleated Log Cabin quilt

There has been no quilting going on today.  Just getting back from first day back to work after a holiday break and grocery shopping and errands. Fed the kids, writing this short post and heading up to maybe catch up on Quiltville posts.

Yesturday I did get all the borders on the Pleated Log Cabin quilt.  I also got the quilt layered and pinned.  I even started the quilting.  Yay!!!  This is going smoothly, so far.  

While watching Bonnie Hunter's Quilt Cam I was quilting away.  I have all of the in the ditch quilting done.  Over the next week or two, schedule allowing, I will work on quilting in the individual blocks. In total there are 64 blocks to do.  As the blocks are a pleated log cabin block, I am going to quilt along side the pleats, but not on top of them.  This way the pleated effect will not be lost.

Check out Bonnie and my quilting set up.  I do love my quilting room/studio!

Sunday 4 January 2015

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

I have been doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  I ended my last day of vacations going to Sew Sisters on Friday afternoon.  While there, I found the perfect combination of borders for the Pleated Log Cabin I am finishing for my Cousin's husband.  It started with blocks he believes belonged to his grandmother.  They are beautiful blocks made of old fabrics.  When they are this old it makes it difficult to find fabrics that will compliment the quilt top.  Three quilt stores later and we have a winner.

I won't show you pictures just yet as my cousin does read my post and I want it to be a surprise for them.  There is such an emotional aspect of completing quilts that were made by loved ones.  I feel it is only fair that they be the first ones to see it.

Yesturday, before I started working on the borders, I had to have a clean slate.  Am I the only one that does this?  I had to clear everything away.  While washing up all the fabric for the borders and my own, I was finishing off the laundry room cupboards that my husband helped to assemble and paint. I put away the Midnight Flight parts, thinking that after the borders get put on I will head right into layering the quilt and quilting it.

I ironed all the fabric as it came out of the machine and all the household ironing pile as well.  I started cutting all the borders.  Later in the day I made a trip to a friend's home quilt store to pick up the backing and batting and laid them out on the guest bed to stretch out.

First border is on and the second pleated border is also on.  Today I am looking to finish the last border and layer the quilt. Let's see if I can actually get started in quilting it today too.

Friday 2 January 2015

Slow progress during the holidays

Yesturday I was working some more on the Midnight Flight quilt for my niece.  Making some progress there.  Have 1 1/2 piles of chevrons done and 2 1/2 left to go.  Most of the day was spent taking down the Christmas decorations and decluttering the basement tv room, before heading over to my mom's place for a late brunch at 2:30 pm.  With my daughter now working, our schedule changes too, to accommodate her work schedule.

After most of the people left at Mom's place I took out my handwork.  I got one floret done and started working on the perimeter.  A little progress here and there and eventually it gets done.  These types of projects usually take a few years to complete, as they are not worked on constantly.  So, I will say sorry in advance if I bore everyone with the little progresses along the way and hope that my other quilt work will add to the interest of reading my posts.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Working on the Midnight Flight quilt

I decided to do some work on the Midnight Flight quilt.  I have all the sub blocks, but one done.  The blocks left to do are the chevron blocks.  While listening to Bonnie Hunter's archived Quilt Cam, I was able to get a small pile done.  I am taking some time now to draw the lines on the light fabric.

When drawing the line, I am taking the time to draw the additional line on the corner to make the bonus half square triangle.  My jar below is accumulating a stack of half square triangles, with minimal effort.  The half square triangles measure 1 1/2" and will finish in a quilt 1".  This is a no waste effort that helps me get a head start on the making of another quilt.

The pattern of this second quilt is not yet determined.  I was thinking maybe a bears paw quilt, but not sure at this time.  I will just keep making them as I make the chevrons for the Midnight Flight quilt or any other quilt that will give me the bonus half square triangles.