Thursday 4 April 2019

Wool for my applique

Testing this post. Please bare with me.  With the shutdown of blogger+, something happened when I converted back to just blogger.  Not sure if this post will make it, but let's give it a try.

My last post, may or may not appear in the same place as this one, as I cannot view my previous posts in my regular way.   Again, just bare with me while I figure this thing out.

In my last post, I talked about a wall hanging that I am making in wool.  After class I went to my mom's house to raid some of her wool fabrics, that were initially intended to make clothes.  No one I know really wears wool clothes now, and it's a waste to let it just sit in a cupboard.  There were only a few lighter pieces that I can use to try dying.   Theses are the chunks that I took.

This next picture is of the wool I purchased.  Wow, I didn't realize just how expensive wool actually cost.  Though they are already felted and dyed in pretty colours for you, ready to be used, so there is that.  I'll have to compare what I have and what I need, to fill in the blanks.

I'll leave this post at that, as it really is just a test.  Not sure what will happen to it, but I will find out soon.  Cross your fingers and wish me luck, otherwise I am going to have to find another forum.

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