Thursday 25 April 2019

Simply Arranged wool appliqué wall hanging

I am flipping through all my pictures of stuff I was going to share on my blog and realized that I forgot to show you something that I recently started.

Started!!!  Who me?!  Of coarse I did, but with good justification, or so I keep telling

I bought a kit, back in the summer, last year at a quilt show.  It was a wool booth with wools, threads, beads and kits.  I have been wanting to try something in wool for a long time, so when I saw this cute little wall hanging for 50% I had to have it.

So.......when I signed up for the Summertime Sampler wool quilt wall hanging, I had forgotten that I had this kit.  It wasn't until I was on my way home from the first class that I remembered.

I started rationalizing, that this wall hanging is much smaller than Summertime Sample, and that maybe I should do it first, to practice, before I get into the real thing.  Well.....that's all it took!  Didn't need to come up with any other excuses.  What can I say, sometimes I'm

I cut out and pieced all the flannel pieces to make the centre of the wall hanging, including sashings and the first border.  I moved on to sorting the wool pieces in the kit.

I used the fusible web called Barely There to trace the pieces.  The picture above is how far I got with the blocks. 

Throughout the week I traced the pieces and fused them to the selected wool colours.  The picture below shows all my pieces ready to go, when I get a chance to get back to it.

I know what you are probably thinking, why start another wool project. comes more rationalizing.  You see.......I have another class coming up the first weekend of May.  Though I was doing well with this wall hanging, I figured since I took the class, I should at least show them something that I completed or at least started.  The rest of the story is obvious.  Hence I started Summertime Sampler...... 

Do I feel guilty for starting something else when I have already many other things on the go....NO!!

I work at everything as time goes on.  A bit here and a bit there.  Lots of things get done and given away to charities, some to family and a few for myself.  I feel that it is the many things that iI do that keeps me from getting bored and because I have so many that is what keeps me motivated to get them done, before I acquire an even larger amount of UFOs.

Either way, I feel no guilt or shame, as this is my happy place and people benefit from what I do!

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