Saturday 6 April 2019

Finished quilting customer's good fortune

I'd like to share with you, a customer's Good Fortune quilt.  A recent mystery quilt hosted by Bonnie Hunter, one of my favourite quilting celebrities.  The mystery was held from Nov/18-Jan/19.  My customer had it completed in very good time and it looks great!  She chose to do the same colourway as Bonnie.  What a surprise pop of colour with that orange and red combo.  It's gorgeous!

Above I just finished loading it to the longarm.  On a previous post, I talked about the backing and how I loaded it.  Below is the quilt top floating, ready and waiting to be quilted.

Here is the finished quilt.  My customer went through all my samples and chose to do a simple elongated alternating wave.  It really sets it off.  It's not an in your face design, so it does not distract from the quilt's pretty design or colours.  It gives the quilt a subtle texture.  I've used this design on many quilts already.  It's pretty popular.  I'm proud that it's one of my own designs that I programmed in Quilt Path.

I've since heard from my customer.  She has already binded the quilt and it sits proudly on her bed.  She loves how the quilting turned out.  That makes me happy!

Have a great day everybody!!  I am off to see how productive I can be today.  Lots to do, with so little time to do it!

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