Friday 26 April 2019

Finished quilting the NICU scrappy strips quilt

It's Friday, yay!  But really, where has the time gone......

I feel that the time keeps speeding up.  The older I get the faster it goes.  I try my hardest to take advantage of my time, but there are not enough hours in the day, unless I go without sleep.... I love my sleep too much to forgo it, but people keep teasing that I am getting closer to the time of sleepless nights with hormones and the change of  I'll be fighting it off!

 Last week some time I decided to work on another NICU quilt.  I think I posted about the starting orphan block that makes up this centre.  The centre block is my daughter's leftover block from Bonnie Hunter's Fair and Square quilt that she made.  So I had to come up with a design to enlarge it to make a NICU quilt.

It's a bit bright, but my daughter likes it, so maybe it would be more appealing to a younger audience.  To start off,  to enlarge it, I decided to use a grey small border to separate the block from the rest of the quilt.  It was a toss up whether I was going to put the block on a diagonal or not, but in the end no matter how I tried, I could not think of what to do next.  The problem was once you put the block on a diagonal, you are left with little room to add much more as borders, because the length diagonally is larger and adding the corner pieces to square it off again takes a lot of room.

So, in the end I went with adding a small strip border, followed by another small grey border, topped off with a wider strip border, all with mitered corners to add a bit of interest.  It is a bit bright, but there are a lot of kid type fabrics, that they could play I Spy with it.  There are horses, skating dogs and cats, toys, and some other stuff that I don't recall right at the moment.

Above is a closeup of the quilting. And below is the finished quilt.  I like the movement of the circles. It's a nice pattern and will be suitable for modern quilts or for children and young adults.  I like it so much, I am wondering if I have a quilt that I am making for myself, that I can use this pattern on.

This weekend I may not have much time for quilting, it's getting close to the end of tax session here and I almost forgot to schedule it.  So, Saturday I have an appointment with the accountant and I come home to do my mom's for her.

The weather is supposed to be nice, but I doubt nice enough to get out in the garden.  If not, you know where to find

I still have to try and get some things done before the end of the month (my own imposed deadline).

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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