Wednesday 23 March 2016

Working on the Midnight Flight quilt

For the last couple of days, on and off, I have been working on the binding for the Midnight flight quilt.  I have a self imposed deadline of the Easter Sunday.  I want to have it ready to give to my niece and her spouse when we go to my Mom's for Easter dinner.

I have three sides done now, so my self imposed deadline looks like it may be achievable.  So long as nothing comes up in the meantime.

I put the quilt on the daybed, away from puppy.  When I looked back I saw a completely different angle of the quilt.  This way looks nice too.

I also had some time today to baste the Jean quilt.  It is now ready for quilting.  I am moving along nicely this week with getting some things done, both with renos and quilt wise.

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