Sunday 6 March 2016

Reconstructed bright 6-point stars quilt

As I was doing so well these past couple of days with completing the prep work on the drunkard's path block pieces, I decided to keep going with doing the prep work for the reconstructed bright 6-point star quilt pieces.

Yesturday, as my daughter worked on her quilt blocks, between naps, I starched and ironed all my pieces.  My daughter seems to be fighting off a cold, but determined not to let it take hold. I finished ironing all the pieces and organized them back in the drawer.  There they sit in piles, in the drawer, waiting for a time to come back out and play again.

On the bottom left hand side are nine half star blocks.  I think I am only going to need eight of them though, so will take one out later.  The remaining bottom two piles are the 20 sets already trimmed.  We have the top three piles that are the 48 sets all starched and ironed, waiting to be trimmed.  And lastly, not shown here are 4 star hexagon blocks completed.  They are sitting under the green cutting boards at the top of the picture.  This makes a total of 72 full star hexagon blocks.

The picture above is somewhat of how the quilt top will look.  There will be five full blocks and four half blocks going across the top and nine rows down.

I didn't get anything else done this day, as it took me the full day to starch, iron and sort, between taking son to hockey game, fixing lunch and dinner plus all the usual stuff one tries to get done during the weekends.

Today is another day.......  We will see what I can get done, or what I am inspired to do.

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