Sunday 20 March 2016

Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy.  Life is just so busy right now.  Yesturday, I did get another Dresden plate block done while at my son's hockey game.  He says that I am his good luck charm, as the last three games I went to, he and his team won the game.

So, for this last game I had to be there.  It was the last game of the season and it was for either first or second place.  I had to do everything that I did for all the other games.  For them I brought a Dresden plate to baste and he reminded me that I also brought Maddie's blanket as my bum warmer. Lol.

This next picture is him coming off the ice after they won the championship.  They came in first place. He and the team were quite happy, they didn't think they would win this particular team.

I am so happy for him and his team.  They did really well each time that I went and saw them.

After the game, my sister and her husband came over to help me with some renos.  My sister and I worked on the laundry room.  I have my cupboards in!!!  Yay!!! 

The cupboards are up and the framing is up too.  I am going to order some custom doors to match the cupboards on the opposite wall.  Later I am going to prime and paint the cupboard framing and once the doors are installed I will order the granite for the counter, the shelf just above the counter and the counter on the opposite wall.  I am getting there.  Almost done.  These things do take time.  It will probably take 6-8 weeks to get the doors and another 6-8 weeks for the granite.  Oh, almost forgot, once I get the granite I will need to install the sink and plumbing. 

Before my sister and I got started on the laundry room, her husband and I put up the lights in my quilting room.  Another Yah!!!  I can finally do some quilting when I want to do some quilting, instead of being dictated by the time of day.  The lighting in my room before was really bad.  After a certain time I couldn't see so well and had to call it a day.

Now my room is very bright.  So bright that my sisters words were that my room is lite up like a stadium.  We laughed so hard.  We went outside, at night, and noted the light is so bright, it lights up half the back yard.  So funny.  I do need to get a dimmer for the lights, so I can have it bright when I need it or regular when I don't.

I AM SO, SO HAPPY!!!  I am doing the happy dance. Two big things off my list.

That was yesturday, Saturday.  Today I was also busy at my sister's house.  We spent the whole day helping her clean out her gardens.  We got the front and back yards done plus the two sides of the house done.  I am sure she is happy too.  It doesn't seem like a lot of work, but if done alone would have taken so much more time than when done in a group.  We had many hands helping both yesturday and today.  We made short order of the work.

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