Thursday 17 March 2016

Working on basting the last five Dresden plates

Well......this week has not been any better than last week.  Not much time to do any quilting.  Today I figured I would have a few hours to do some quilting, as I was going into work late.  However, that didn't happen.  I was off to the vet with puppy and kids are home on March break. 

Needless to say I didn't get back to the Jean quilt.  I did however find a bit of time to start basting the last five Dresden plate blocks.  As of tonight I have three of the blocks basted.

I am looking forward to this coming week.  I have the week off.  Hoping to get one day in of quilt shop hopping and some time in to do some quilting.  Besides that, I have renovations to move along with.

So, I am just plugging away here, one day at a time.  Eventually things will settle down.

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