Monday 15 February 2016

This and that

It has been a crazy busy long weekend for me.  I took Friday off too.  I took my Mom out to find some border fabric for her most recent quilt top she completed.  We started at Sew Sister's, as I needed some special blue variegated thread, so I could finish my nieces quilt.  While there I bought a bolt of winter white for my next few quilts I am planning.

No luck for the borders there this time, so I took my Mom to Country Concession.  That is where we found the fabric for her borders and I found a few fat quarters.  A couple of red on white fabrics to add to my red and white collection and a black fabric just because I liked it.  After all that shopping we had to nourish ourselves, so I took Mom out to lunch.

We did some more running around for some other things Mom needed and ended up, picking up my children and the puppy to head over to Mom's for dinner.  One day down and out.  Did I say that my day started a 5:30 am with puppy duty and cleaning up some stuff in my quilt room.

My daughter was busy while I was away.  She finished all her blocks for her Fair & Square quilt, plus she has all the rows together aside of two seams toward the centre.  It is looking good.  It takes up at least two-thirds of my design wall.

Saturday was doggy training class, my son's hockey practice and my daughter worked.  That left me at home with the puppy most of the day.  Between her naps, I did some must needed mending, that has been in my quilting room for a couple of weeks,  from pants for my hubby, top for my daughter to teddy bear operations for the puppy.  Another day down and out.

Sunday was another run around day, mostly for puppy and auto maintenance.  I did have a couple of hours to spend working on renos, on the laundry room cupboards.  And again, another day down and out.  These days just flew by, almost without me even noticing.

Today, I finally get some time to do some quilting.  Woke up at 5:40 am for puppy and was relieved at 6:30 am by daughter.  I jump in the shower thinking, my weekend has gone by way too fast, I am not going to let this day leave without my getting some quilty things done.  

I am so happy.  I can now say that I am done quilting my nieces quilt.  I worked on it all morning until 1:30 pm.  I was so excited that it got done and was on a roll, that I just went straight into finishing the quilting of the Midnight flight runway quilt too!!  Two quilts done!! Yay!!! 

My son is finishing off his homework, my daughter is resting from her time at work, puppy and I just got back from a nice long walk.  She is tuckered out and sleeping, and I am heading up to the kitchen to come up with some food for the family.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  Enjoy what is left of the evening.

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