Saturday 6 February 2016

My daughter's Fair & Square Quilt making progress

Well someone is getting something accomplished.  It isn't me.  I haven't been well these last couple of days.  I think it will do me some good that I slept until 8:30 am today. I am starting to feel better. Maybe one more day of bed rest will do it.  Maybe I can catch up on some binding, between naps.

In the meantime, my daughter has been monopolizing my quilt room, my machine and my design wall.  A couple of days ago, I posted about her having just a few blocks done and up.  She has really been going to town on those strip blocks.  Now she has most of them done.  What she has completed so far, is also trimmed and de-papered.  Beside the machine is another pile ready to sew into the final block.

On the design wall are the blocks already assembled and sewn into diagonal rows.  You will have to excuse the other clutter behind her work.  I am sure you get the picture.

Now my daughter is done with exams and back at school, so this quilt will take a bit longer to do.  She is excited about the progress so far.  She was having a quilters block for a while here, as she is not fond on strip piecing on paper.  But she has pushed through that block and is heading to the finish line with these blocks.  It wouldn't surprise me is she finishes them this weekend.

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