Wednesday 24 February 2016

Hexagon quilt pinned and ready to start quilting

On the weekend I did lay out the diamond hexagon quilt to be pinned for quilting.  This process takes a while.  It's a bit hard on the back and legs, but I find it's the best way to baste a quilt.

Above I took a picture when I was about a quarter of the way through basting the quilt.  The picture below is a close up of the diamonds and the individual hexagons.  

Wow, I tell you!!!  This hexagon quilt is so amazing with the variety of scraps.  It is a true history of fabrics available through various time frames.  This person's stash was deep.  She must of had some scraps from a previous generation. Maybe some hand me downs, that sort of thing, or maybe even sharing fabrics amongst friends, because as I said earlier, the variety is amazing.

So now this quilt is all rolled up, basted and ready to start quilting, whenever I get a chance.

In the meantime, I started working on the binding for the strip quilt.  One side completed already.  I also attached the binding to the Midnight flight quilt today.  Once I am done the strip quilt, I will start on the Midnight flight quilt.  I am on a roll and wanting to keep the momentum going.

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