Monday 8 February 2016

Done binding my daughter's sixteen patch pinwheel quilt

I finished my daughter's binding.  And took it out of the dryer Sunday afternoon.  There is nothing like the fresh smell of laundry coming out of the dryer, well I lied there is, it's the fresh smell of laundry coming from outside off the clothesline, but since it is winter here, the dryer is the next best thing.

Here it is draped on the daybed in the guest room.  She did a fabulous job.  Below is a close up.  My daughter was drawn to this quilt because of the pinwheels and how they form a box with the special placement of light and dark. her case, how she found out it was not the placement of light and dark, but rather the direction the pinwheel have to spin.  Poor thing, she had all the pinwheels done and only realized at that time, that half of them were wrong.

She was a trooper though,  she took the seam ripper and frogged them all (rip-it, rip-it).  She was so determined that the next day she had them all taken apart and sewn back together, his time in the right direction.  She was on a roll, she even started assembling the rows together.

This next picture is also I close up with more border showing.  I couldn't decide which picture was better, so added them both.  Great job, Sabryna!!!  So far, this is her favorite quilt she made.  She can't wait to have it on her bed.  Sweet dreams, sweetheart.

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**

Work in progress:
2. Quilting - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........2/3 quilted, ran out of special thread
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Quilting - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........basted and working on the quilting
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to handwork section
11. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family) more done, only seven left to go
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
15. Binding - Log cabin quilt (my own)..........only about 2' started
16. Binding - Crazy quilt (charity)..........started the binding, finished the matching doll quilt
17. Binding - Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)..........found some fabric for the binding
18. Binding - Small wonders quilt (charity)

Total number of quilts completed - 2
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 16

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned) 
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)

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