Tuesday 9 February 2016

January versus February (February/2016)

I have not had time to work on much the last few days, being sick and all, but enjoyed watching my daughter do her thing.  Today I sit here with my morning tea trying to figure out what I can talk about.  I went through my pictures and came across the design wall.

I started the year by clearing off my design wall and only having a few quilts that I was or will be working on.  I was working on my Pineapple quilt and the Midnight Flight Runway quilt.  The Hexagon quilt just gets to stay up there, just because it's pretty.

When I compare the January design wall picture with the recent February design wall picture, I see a lot of stuff going on.  I made a bunch of pineapple blocks that extend across the top and down the sides of the wall, however currently hidden by the recently finished Midnight Flight Runway quilt.  Plus now, my daughter has her Fair & Square quilt up with all her newly made stripe blocks.

It is amazing when you look back and do a comparison.  That is when you really notice that things are getting done.  This was only what was on the wall, there were other things going on aside from this as well, like handwork, quilting and bindings.

This comparison stuff really makes me feel good.  It's a real motivator.  Try it's!  You may realize, you get more done than you thought!

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