Monday 29 February 2016

Another Dresden plate block done

I have another Dresden plate block done.  You will have to excuse the picture.  I didn't iron the block yet so it looks a little rumpled.  When they are all ironed trimmed sewn in a quilt and quilted down they will shine.  With this one done, I now have only five left to go.  

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**  

Work in progress:
2. Binding - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........binding attached ready to tack down
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)..........basted and waiting for quilting
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Binding - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........binding attached ready to tack down
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........working away at the blocks
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to handwork section
11. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family)..........yet another one done, only five left to go
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........taking a bit of a break

Total number of quilts completed - 6
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 12

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned).  
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)
16. Reversable crazy quilt & matching doll quilt (charity)
15. Log cabin quilt (my own)
18. Small wonders quilt (charity)
17. Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)

Sunday 28 February 2016

Monkey wrench blocks

I was reading Bonnie Hunter's blog, Quiltville, today on a post of January.  Bonnie called her post Monkeying around.  I thought it was a catchy title.  Bonnie is using the Monkey Wrench block from her scraps and mainly makes them when she is at her cottage, Quiltvilla.

I love her blocks, I absolutely love the texture she has in them.  A lot of plaids or lights with darker prints on them.  I want mine to be as spunky as these.  I think I will have to work on it a bit.  I find mine to be a bit flat in comparison to hers.

These are mine.  I like the ones with colour.  I think I just need to add in some more pattern or texture, not just tone on tone fabrics.  Bonnie uses a lot of shirting material.  It adds another layer of texture.  She also changes the position of her darks.  It is not always the half square triangle that is the darkest fabric in the block.  

I find it amazing what the little nuances will do in the overall effect of a block and therefore in the completed quilt.  I will have to make some adjustments to the next blocks, hopefully add in that spunk.

Thursday 25 February 2016

One of my grand nephews with his baby shower quilt gift

I thought I would share with you a picture of my grand-nephew, laying on the baby shower quilt I made for him.  Isn't he sweet?  His name is Hayden.

Here is a close up.  He is a happy camper.  My niece has a fetish for making him wear outfits with ties printed on the outfit.  All kinds of tie. 

My scrappy strips quilt binding is done.  One more off the chopping block.  Now I get to start binding the Midnight flight quilt.

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**  

Work in progress:
2. Binding - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........binding attached ready to tack down
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)..........basted and waiting for quilting
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Binding - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........trimmed and waiting for bind
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........again more blocks done
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to handwork section
11. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family)..........another one done, only six left to go
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done

Total number of quilts completed - 6
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 12

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned).  
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)
16. Reversable crazy quilt & matching doll quilt (charity)
15. Log cabin quilt (my own)
18. Small wonders quilt (charity)
17. Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Hexagon quilt pinned and ready to start quilting

On the weekend I did lay out the diamond hexagon quilt to be pinned for quilting.  This process takes a while.  It's a bit hard on the back and legs, but I find it's the best way to baste a quilt.

Above I took a picture when I was about a quarter of the way through basting the quilt.  The picture below is a close up of the diamonds and the individual hexagons.  

Wow, I tell you!!!  This hexagon quilt is so amazing with the variety of scraps.  It is a true history of fabrics available through various time frames.  This person's stash was deep.  She must of had some scraps from a previous generation. Maybe some hand me downs, that sort of thing, or maybe even sharing fabrics amongst friends, because as I said earlier, the variety is amazing.

So now this quilt is all rolled up, basted and ready to start quilting, whenever I get a chance.

In the meantime, I started working on the binding for the strip quilt.  One side completed already.  I also attached the binding to the Midnight flight quilt today.  Once I am done the strip quilt, I will start on the Midnight flight quilt.  I am on a roll and wanting to keep the momentum going.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Working on Small wonders quilt binding

I stated working on my Small wonders quilt binding Sunday for a bit.  Yesturday night, I finished it before heading to bed.  One more down.

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**  

Work in progress:
2. Binding - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........binding cut, prepped & ready to attach
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)..........basted and waiting for quilting
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Binding - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........trimmed and waiting for bind
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........again more blocks done
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to handwork section
11. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family)..........another one done, only six left to go
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
17. Binding - Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)..........binding waiting to be tacked by hand

Total number of quilts completed - 5
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 13

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned).  
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)
16. Reversable crazy quilt & matching doll quilt (charity)
15. Log cabin quilt (my own)
18. Small wonders quilt (charity)

I am a little bit ahead of the game, but that is good, because some of the quilts above still have a lot of work to do on them.  Wish me luck!!!

Monday 22 February 2016

Catching up on one of my Block-of-the-month (BOM) quilts

On Friday evening I thought I wanted to work on my BOM quilts/wall hanging.  I caught up on one of my Block-of-the-month (BOM) quilts.  In this case it is a wall hanging.  This is going to be a Halloween pumpkin and witch wall hanging.

This is moment of insanity quilt, because the individual pieces in this wall hanging will measure only 1/2" finished.  I spoke about it in an earlier post.  Each page was cut to hold 100 1" blocks (10 X 10) layout.  The picture below is sheet number three.  One and two are done.

Here is a closeup. That little assembled block in the middle of the picture below measures 2 1/2" and will finish at 2" once sewn into the wall hanging.

With all the small pieces and all the seams, I am planning the assembled carefully.  I am spinning all my seams in four patch manor.  Assemble a four patch, spin the seam, assemble four of them and spin the seam, and so forth until the wall hanging is complete.

Here is the picture of the back with all the spinning seams.  I am in the process of pinning the pieces to make the next size four patch.  The spinning seams help a lot with minimizing the bulk.  Less bulk makes the quilt lay flatter and when it comes to quilt it it will be easier.

This assembly was going so well, I decided to make the block for March as well.  Three blocks done forty-seven left to go.  As you can see this is not going to be a quick quilt, especially with each block only finishing at 1/2" square.

This post should come with a warning..........not for the faint of heart!!!

Sunday 21 February 2016

Another Dresden plate block done

I have another Dresden plate block done.  Outside of finishing the little bit I needed to finish this block, yesturday was a write off.  With son at hockey, daughter at work, doggy training class and a long drive to Niagara Falls for a great-nephew's birthday party, my day was pretty much used up.

So, I am glad that I at least got one thing completed that day.  Now with this one done, that leaves me with six more to do.  I am getting there.

Today I finished catching up on one of my block-of-the-month quilts.  Later I plan on basting the hexagon quilt.

Enjoy your day.

Friday 19 February 2016

Working on the binding of my log cabin quilt

Yesturday during my late start I decided to do some binding on my log cabin quilt.  I got about four foot of binding tacked down by hand, before my puppy decided she did not like me sitting on my chair, covered in a cozy quilt, and not giving her all my attention.

So, I got down on the floor with her to play, but that is not what she wanted.  All she wanted was my body to snuggle up to and fall asleep.  She burrowed beneath my legs and curled up in a ball to sleep. Can you tell she has us wrapped around her little fingers, as the saying goes, or in her case wrapped around her little paws.

At this point there was no binding going to happen anymore, so I just changed gears, reach over to my left and pick up a Dresden plate block I am working on.  I don't like wasting time. I keep suff handy to pick up at any time.  I was able to almost complete the block.

Doesn't she look cute, her little paw folded across her nose.  I am practically sitting on her.  That is the way she likes to sleep, in a tight ball surrounded by our legs or arms.

Enjoy your Friday everyone!

Thursday 18 February 2016

Starting the jean quilt

Last night I had some energy to spare.  I wanted to do something, but due to it getting late I didn't want to get into anything too involved.  I cleaned out my machine, changed out the thread and foot, preparing it for a new project.

I am going to start the Jean quilt.  Everything is marked and ready to go.

That didn't take long to do and I wasn't ready for bed, so I started preparing the backing for my cousin's hexagon quilt.  The fabric is washed, cut and now ironed.  Next I will assemble the backing and this weekend, see if I can baste the quilt and start the quilting.

I am moving along on my list of 12 that turned out to be 18.  Nothing finished since my last report, but I am making progress in different areas.

Here is a picture of my little girl.  Isn't she pretty, sitting nice, waiting for me to finish work.  Those little sorrow filled eyes are begging me to hurry. She wants some mommy time, with lots of playing and cuddles.

Training class last night went well,  she is learning her manners and commands, while I am learning how to explain to her what I want in a language that she can understand.  The trainer said we are both doing well.  I am proud of her.  What we really need to work on are the distractions that take her attention away from what she is supposed to be doing.  Puppies do get distracted very easily.

Monday 15 February 2016

This and that

It has been a crazy busy long weekend for me.  I took Friday off too.  I took my Mom out to find some border fabric for her most recent quilt top she completed.  We started at Sew Sister's, as I needed some special blue variegated thread, so I could finish my nieces quilt.  While there I bought a bolt of winter white for my next few quilts I am planning.

No luck for the borders there this time, so I took my Mom to Country Concession.  That is where we found the fabric for her borders and I found a few fat quarters.  A couple of red on white fabrics to add to my red and white collection and a black fabric just because I liked it.  After all that shopping we had to nourish ourselves, so I took Mom out to lunch.

We did some more running around for some other things Mom needed and ended up, picking up my children and the puppy to head over to Mom's for dinner.  One day down and out.  Did I say that my day started a 5:30 am with puppy duty and cleaning up some stuff in my quilt room.

My daughter was busy while I was away.  She finished all her blocks for her Fair & Square quilt, plus she has all the rows together aside of two seams toward the centre.  It is looking good.  It takes up at least two-thirds of my design wall.

Saturday was doggy training class, my son's hockey practice and my daughter worked.  That left me at home with the puppy most of the day.  Between her naps, I did some must needed mending, that has been in my quilting room for a couple of weeks,  from pants for my hubby, top for my daughter to teddy bear operations for the puppy.  Another day down and out.

Sunday was another run around day, mostly for puppy and auto maintenance.  I did have a couple of hours to spend working on renos, on the laundry room cupboards.  And again, another day down and out.  These days just flew by, almost without me even noticing.

Today, I finally get some time to do some quilting.  Woke up at 5:40 am for puppy and was relieved at 6:30 am by daughter.  I jump in the shower thinking, my weekend has gone by way too fast, I am not going to let this day leave without my getting some quilty things done.  

I am so happy.  I can now say that I am done quilting my nieces quilt.  I worked on it all morning until 1:30 pm.  I was so excited that it got done and was on a roll, that I just went straight into finishing the quilting of the Midnight flight runway quilt too!!  Two quilts done!! Yay!!! 

My son is finishing off his homework, my daughter is resting from her time at work, puppy and I just got back from a nice long walk.  She is tuckered out and sleeping, and I am heading up to the kitchen to come up with some food for the family.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  Enjoy what is left of the evening.

Saturday 13 February 2016

My son's rag quilt

My son made a quilt a while back.  I am ashamed to say over three years ago and all it needed was for me to trim the seams and wash it.  My only defense is that it got packed away when we moved three years ago.  After that it got put away in a drawer until a time when I could take care of it.  

Well.....out of sight out of wasn't until recently that I came across it and decided that my son had waited long enough for his quilt.  My son, Dylan, did a great job on this, his first sewing experience.  He started it some time when he was seven, and worked on it, on and off for a couple of years.  I didn't push him, it was something that he did when he felt like it.  He did most of the quilt within a year, but left one large seam not sewn.  I encouraged him to finish the last row.  Tried to get him excited about being done with little effort, only one seam, but he wasn't ready to see it done.

One day, he just decided it was time to get it done.  Took him all of five minutes, if that, as the row was already pinned ready to be sewn.

The picture above is the back side of the quilt.  This quilt is a reversable quilt.  The front of the quilt is the picture below, and the reason for the name, rag quilt.  These types of quilts were more popular about five or six years ago.  They are great for kids to learn how to sew.  Because of the texture the kids think they are cool and there is a large margin for error with the seams.

I marked a seam of 1" to make it easier for him to sew.  Later once it was together I trimmed the 1" seam down to 1/2" seams and shredded the edges.

This next picture is of a close up of the shredded edges.  This affect is achieved by cutting little slits in the seam allowance about every 1/2" apart, you wash, dry the quilt and voilà, you have your shaggy edges.

My son chose all the fabrics for his quilt.  He picked stuff that interested him.  As you can see by the close up, he has diverse interests, from penguins, horses, to hockey and construction (not show here).  It gave him such pride having input on all aspects of making his own quilt.  I loved watching him.

While waiting for my son's quilt to wash and dry at the laundry mat, I finished the binding on the Reversable crazy quilt.  One more bits the dust!!!

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**

Work in progress:
2. Quilting - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........2/3 quilted, got some special thread
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Quilting - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........2/3 done the quilting
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to handwork section
11. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family) more done, only seven left to go
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
15. Binding - Log cabin quilt (my own) have approx. 4' done
17. Binding - Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)..........made and attached the binding
18. Binding - Small wonders quilt (charity)..........made and attached the binding

Total number of quilts completed - 3
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 15

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned) 
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)
16. Binding - Reversable crazy quilt & matching doll quilt (charity)

Thursday 11 February 2016

Working on binding the reversible crazy quilt and matching doll quilt

I am working on binding the reversible crazy quilt and matching doll quilt.  It is always a cozy feeling sitting underneath a quilt while binding it.  So far I finished the matching doll quilt.  Now I am working on the larger quilt.

Above is a picture of the one side with solid blocks. I call this the tame side.  The navy blue part is the border of the second side, as this is a reversible quilt.  The navy border is the background for the crazy blocks (not shown here).

Here I thought I would show you a quilted block.  This pattern was good for going over all the crazy pieces of the opposite side.

I have two sides of the larger quilt tacked down by hand and hope to have this quilt done some time this weekend.  I will have a third finish from my list if 12 that ended up being 18.  To get this list completed by the end of the year, means I need to finish 1 1/2 quilts each month.  That may be a bit of a stretch, but a am going to try anyways.  Some is better than none.  On my master list, I have to finish 8, so I will be very happy with that.

Enjoy the rest of the night everyone.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

January versus February (February/2016)

I have not had time to work on much the last few days, being sick and all, but enjoyed watching my daughter do her thing.  Today I sit here with my morning tea trying to figure out what I can talk about.  I went through my pictures and came across the design wall.

I started the year by clearing off my design wall and only having a few quilts that I was or will be working on.  I was working on my Pineapple quilt and the Midnight Flight Runway quilt.  The Hexagon quilt just gets to stay up there, just because it's pretty.

When I compare the January design wall picture with the recent February design wall picture, I see a lot of stuff going on.  I made a bunch of pineapple blocks that extend across the top and down the sides of the wall, however currently hidden by the recently finished Midnight Flight Runway quilt.  Plus now, my daughter has her Fair & Square quilt up with all her newly made stripe blocks.

It is amazing when you look back and do a comparison.  That is when you really notice that things are getting done.  This was only what was on the wall, there were other things going on aside from this as well, like handwork, quilting and bindings.

This comparison stuff really makes me feel good.  It's a real motivator.  Try it's!  You may realize, you get more done than you thought!

Monday 8 February 2016

Done binding my daughter's sixteen patch pinwheel quilt

I finished my daughter's binding.  And took it out of the dryer Sunday afternoon.  There is nothing like the fresh smell of laundry coming out of the dryer, well I lied there is, it's the fresh smell of laundry coming from outside off the clothesline, but since it is winter here, the dryer is the next best thing.

Here it is draped on the daybed in the guest room.  She did a fabulous job.  Below is a close up.  My daughter was drawn to this quilt because of the pinwheels and how they form a box with the special placement of light and dark. her case, how she found out it was not the placement of light and dark, but rather the direction the pinwheel have to spin.  Poor thing, she had all the pinwheels done and only realized at that time, that half of them were wrong.

She was a trooper though,  she took the seam ripper and frogged them all (rip-it, rip-it).  She was so determined that the next day she had them all taken apart and sewn back together, his time in the right direction.  She was on a roll, she even started assembling the rows together.

This next picture is also I close up with more border showing.  I couldn't decide which picture was better, so added them both.  Great job, Sabryna!!!  So far, this is her favorite quilt she made.  She can't wait to have it on her bed.  Sweet dreams, sweetheart.

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**

Work in progress:
2. Quilting - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........2/3 quilted, ran out of special thread
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Quilting - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........basted and working on the quilting
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to handwork section
11. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family) more done, only seven left to go
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
15. Binding - Log cabin quilt (my own)..........only about 2' started
16. Binding - Crazy quilt (charity)..........started the binding, finished the matching doll quilt
17. Binding - Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)..........found some fabric for the binding
18. Binding - Small wonders quilt (charity)

Total number of quilts completed - 2
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 16

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned) 
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)

Sunday 7 February 2016

Top completed of the Midnight flight runway

As you may recall from a previous post, I've had this quilt top done for quite some time.  I just didn't have the time to take a decent picture of it.  I woke up this morning feeling almost 100%.  So, I decided, I wanted to get this quilt laid out and basted.  The lighting is not the greatest in the basement, but good enough to take a half decent picture.

Finally, here is the big reveal.  I haven't shown any pictures of this quilt yet.  I wanted it to be a surprise.  After completing Bonnie Hunter's Midnight Flight quilt I had a lot of extra pieces, because I decided that I did not want to do the original border.  

I looked at all the extra pieces and came up with this layout.  I like it.  It also uses up almost all of the pieces I had extra.  There are only two small stacks left. One of the green squares and the other of the light blue squares. 

I added a white border to lighten the top up a bit and separate the centre from the second border.  I used up some more green and blue squares by making this second border.  Lastly I finished it off with a dark blue fabric that belonged to one of the quilt bee members (Flo), who passed away.  The backing is another donation from Flo's stash.  It is a butterfly pattern, on a batik looking designed background, in the exact same green and light blue as are on the top.  The fabric seems to have been made for this quilt.

Here is a closer picture of the quilt.  Just so you can understand the size of this quilt, the little four patches measure 2" square finished.  There are a lot of pieces to this quilt.  I think the batting was meant for this quilt too.  As you can see there is very little margin for error with this one.

I have the quilt pinned and ready to quilt.  After writing this post my time should be finished with doggie duty, that maybe I can get started with the actual quilting.  We shall see.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

Saturday 6 February 2016

My daughter's Fair & Square Quilt making progress

Well someone is getting something accomplished.  It isn't me.  I haven't been well these last couple of days.  I think it will do me some good that I slept until 8:30 am today. I am starting to feel better. Maybe one more day of bed rest will do it.  Maybe I can catch up on some binding, between naps.

In the meantime, my daughter has been monopolizing my quilt room, my machine and my design wall.  A couple of days ago, I posted about her having just a few blocks done and up.  She has really been going to town on those strip blocks.  Now she has most of them done.  What she has completed so far, is also trimmed and de-papered.  Beside the machine is another pile ready to sew into the final block.

On the design wall are the blocks already assembled and sewn into diagonal rows.  You will have to excuse the other clutter behind her work.  I am sure you get the picture.

Now my daughter is done with exams and back at school, so this quilt will take a bit longer to do.  She is excited about the progress so far.  She was having a quilters block for a while here, as she is not fond on strip piecing on paper.  But she has pushed through that block and is heading to the finish line with these blocks.  It wouldn't surprise me is she finishes them this weekend.

Friday 5 February 2016

Working on binding my daughter's Sixteen patch pinwheel quilt

Last night after taking Maddie for a walk, she came home to crash and I, for a change, was not tired or ready for bed. While Maddie crashed on her doggy bed, I did some binding.  The quilt I am working on is my daughter's queen sized sixteen patch pinwheel quilt.

The picture above is me snuggled underneath the quilt working my way up toward me.  The picture below is what the binding looks like in one of the corners.  The charcoal gray my daughter picked for the backing is looking good as a binding too.  The colour blends well with all the scraps in the top of the quilt.

Otherwise, I have been slowly working away on things on my list.

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**

Work in progress:
2. Quilting - Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........1/3 of the way quilted, waiting for the weekend
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Quilting - Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........moved to the quilting section
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
12. Main work - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to the main work section
9. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family) more done, only seven left to go
10. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
11. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
14. Binding - Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)..........1/2 the binding is tacked down
15. Binding - Log cabin quilt (my own)
16. Binding - Crazy quilt (charity)
17. Binding - Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)
18. Binding - Small wonders quilt (charity)

Total number of quilts completed - 1
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 17

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned)

Wednesday 3 February 2016

My daughter's quilt

I haven't been doing my quilting throughout the week, but my daughter, who is now finished exams, has been making progress on one of her quilts.  Today while I am working, she is sewing away.  Man..........I was working away thinking, I want to be doing what she is doing......

Off the top of my head, I do not remember what the name of this quilt is, but it is in one of Bonnie Hunter's books.  She has many blocks done and many stripe blocks done too.  This is just a sample of the corner.

She is happy with the progress and I think it is looking very good on the design wall.  It is coming together girl!!!  In person it look cheerful.

I am seeing some progress on the home front.  Things are moving around.  Different quilts in different categories. Things are  progressing.

***Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)***

From the quilting section:
2. Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)...........1/3 of the way quilted and waiting for the weekend
3. Lise's hexagon quilt (family)
4. Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
5. Midnight flight runway quilt (charity)..........moved to the quilting section
From the assemble section:
6. Main work - Jean material quilt (charity)..........layout organized and labeled ready for sewing
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
12. Main work - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........moved to the main work section
9. Handwork - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family)..........only eight left to go
10. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
11. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........more blocks done
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........more blocks done

To be binded: 
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)..........more binding tacked down
15. Log cabin quilt (my own)
16. Crazy quilt (charity)
17. Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)
18. Small wonders quilt (charity)

Total number of quilts completed - 1
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 17

Completed quilts:
1. Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned).