Friday 9 October 2015

Working on the Midnight Flight quilt

These last few days l've been needing some mindless sewing, for when I get home to keep my mind off things.  My father passed away.  It is a private time in my life.  I am as most quilters out there.  I am quilting to help deal with it.  There is nothing more I want to say about it.  I hope people will understand if my posts are at times sporadic.

I started sewing my leader/ender project, as a main project instead.  I emptied the container.  All the four patches are sewn into a four patch with the half square triangles.

I've paired off the pieced four patch blocks with their chevron pieces and the last four patch block to complete the sub block.  I will assemble these as leader/enders, or I may just keep working them as a main project.  Maybe try to get them though to the quilting stage.

I have eight sub blocks completed.  Four green and four blue blocks.  I need to make 84 blue sub blocks and 84 green sub blocks to complete the centre of the quilt top.

Two blues and two green blocks go together in a four patch style to make the final block.  I am not yet there.  This is a picture though of what the final block will look like.

I will need 42 final blocks to make up the centre of the quilt top.  That would make enough for a six blocks by seven blocks layout.

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