Tuesday 13 October 2015

Tiny Town block number eight

I organized block number eight of Tiny Town.  Cutting out all the pieces for the three sections took me a couple of hours.  I took out all the completed blocks and made room on my design wall for them.  This quilt is coming to an end.  At least the class is.  I am still playing catch up.

The bunny and the house are the first two sections of this block.  

We have the two potted hearts to complete the block.  I will have to set aside some time to sit and appliqué the pieces down.

Yesturday I did get out in the backyard to do some gardening.  The garden by the back fence and along the right hand side are done.  Still need another full day out there to get the rest of it done.  I also need to find some room for plants that were given to me and relocate a few things. It won't be today though because it looks like we are going to be getting a good long rain.

Today being a day off for me and the rain both go together to make a good day to stay indoors and do some quilty stuff.  I plan to enjoy it!

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