Thursday 15 October 2015

More of Tiny Town block number eight

I did some more of Tiny Town block number eight.  I finished the second section, the house block.

I even attached the house to the bunny.  Now I am working on the last section of block number eight.

I didn't get the last section done today because it has been a hectic day.  It took me from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm to finally get things sorted in order to print out our taxes.  What a wasted day when you are on the phone all day, being transferred here and there and getting cut off too.  So frustrating.  But in the end I did get a hold of someone who was extraordinary, who knew exactly how to fix the issue.  The rest of the day was trying to finish my own paperwork and get my office cleaned up.

I am hoping tomorrow to start priming and painting the room door and the closet doors in my office.  I really want this room done!

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