Sunday 25 October 2015

Still have Tiny Town block number five to do

I can't forget that I still have Tiny Town block number five to do, as it has been outstanding since the summer.  This will be the last block to complete the centre of this quilt.  It only has the two sections to it, but the bottom section has many pieces and the top section has very small intricate pieces for the two chairs to do.

I need this block done before the final reveal in December.  The clock is ticking.  I am running out of time and the finish line is coming into sight.  I am getting excited and relieved at the same time.  

This quilt has monopolized most of my time recently.  I am not sure I like the timelines part of making a block of the month type quilt, in fact I know I don't.  I like more, the flow of creativity and working on what inspires me.  I don't think I will take another class like this again.  Maybe a short, one day class to learn a certain technic would be more my style.  This way I can do what I want, with what I learn.

The teacher is nice and the class does have some camaraderie going on.  They are a good bunch of creative people with varying ideas that add to the whole mix.  It's nice. 

So, back to finishing this last block.  Which section am I going to work on.........

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