Saturday 17 October 2015

Working away on the Midnight Flight quilt

There are times that I cannot do anymore handwork, when I need the speed and vibration of the sewing machine.  Last week there was just a time.

I was working away on the Midnight Flight quilt.  I took out a stack of twenty block parts and started sewing.  There were ten blue and ten green.  Here you see the pieces sewn into the four patches, but they are currently all done.

I even went ahead and assembled two complete blocks.  Two green blocks and two blue blocks makes up one complete block that measures 12.5" square (they will be 12" finished).  Doesn't it look gorgeous?  The design is really starting to come together.

I did have a mishap though.  These two complete blocks have been assembled twice.  After I finished them the first time, I put them up on the design wall and later noticed that two small blocks were sewn in the wrong direction, for both complete blocks.  So.......needless to say I had to take them apart and start over.

All the while that I am working on the Midnight Flight blocks, I was sewing up some of my leader/enders.  I now have another six complete 16-patch squares done.  These are coming together nicely too.  These are an easy leader/ender block to do.  All I do is assemble a four patch, five times to complete this block.

That means that for every 2 1/2 Midnight Flight blocks assembled, I also get one 16-patch block.  Not bad.  I will have this quilt done in not time using this method.

I worked all day yesturday priming and painting all the doors, door jams and baseboards in the office and doing more phone time with various companies setting things up.

Today I want some sewing time.  I think I deserve it.

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